How they celebrate your birthday

Start from the beginning

- Emma gets excited that you spend your birthday with her. She makes the biggest plans, with Kitty's help.

- Emma tends to go overboard on gifts, so Kitty tries to help her to not pressure you or freak you out with how big the gift is. So, she usually gets you something sweet and simple like a charm bracelet.

- The first thing Emma does when she sees you is pull you into a tight hug, then pepper your face with kisses.

- She would keep hugging you throughout the day, and keep telling you that she would love to do your birthday plans if you're worried she might not like your ideas.

- Of course, she'll want a photographer to take pictures of you both if you plan to have a party.

- Her gifts usually are cute things like Hello Kitty school supplies, or a backpack! She even handwrites you a letter, along with an explanation of what the gifts are for. For example: "Hi Y/N. Happy birthday! I noticed you looking at this and got this for you."

- She'll keep taking pictures of you blowing the candle and opening the gifts. Each year, she keeps a different photo album for your birthday.

- Mike plans a thoughtful birthday for you in advance. He wants you to feel special, because you're special to him.

- Mike buys you a card and a rose to surprise you. He writes the sweetest messages on the card.

- He wants to make this day fun and memorable. He will plan a day filled with your favorite things to do, then end it with a cuddle session.

- Mal wants to give you birthday kisses, cuddles or 'time alone.'

- He gets embarrassed when he hands you your gift. He blushes even more when you say you like it or gush over it. He just doesn't like coming across as a sap.

- The gifts he usually gets you are well thought out and meaningful like a necklace or a handwritten note that expresses how much he cares but with a lot of cursing. He would tell you not to mention it ever again though.

- He usually takes you out to eat or go somewhere adventurous.

- If you don't have a specific birthday plan, Scott gets creative and comes up with fun date ideas like scavenger hunts for your gifts and notes with flirty compliments. He loves seeing your reactions.

- He is a big fan of surprises. So, he might plan things you least expect like getting you a giant cake or surprise hugging you.

- After a day full of laughter, Scott would want to sleep over with you and eat takeout.

- Obviously, Trent is going to write a cute song for you. That's just his way of showing love, but you don't mind.

- Trent once got you a new guitar because he wanted you guys to sing together and thought it would be sweet. Usually, his gifts are things he knows you are into or what you need. He pays close attention to these aspects of you.

- Trent usually organizes a get together or a picnic with your favorite snacks and a radio to play your favorite songs. He would take pictures of your reaction.

- His goal is to make you feel as loved as possible.

- Gwen drew a portrait of you for your birthday. She then attached a handwritten note to it saying how much she appreciates you in her life. The gifts Gwen usually gets you are sentimental like that.

- You and Gwen have your own traditions for your birthdays. For your birthday, Gwen makes a birthday decoration to go on top of the cake. For Gwen's, you leave a sticky note heart on the mirror with reasons for opening each gift you got her at a certain time of the day (Typically three gifts).

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