Chapter 1 - The Start

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I hate my life. everyday is just an endless cycle of pain. i tried my best to be what they expect me to be yet no one cares? im suffocating yet no one is helping me. i did everything for them even if it hurts me. 

when will i get the love i deserve?. will it take longer? .i hate waiting, iv been waiting since i was 5 for it and now its been 18 years

-alexandra A brook


As the sun gracefully rose, its warm and gentle colors mingled with the remnants of the dark night, creating a beautiful spectacle in the sky. I found myself entranced by the morning's transition. I couldn't help but wish that I could transform into a bird, spreading my wings to embrace the freedom of the open skies. However, I realized that birds, like humans, have constraints. They can be captured and raised according to someone else's will. This realization brought a sigh to my lips. If only life were more forgiving.

I pushed myself up from my cozy chair, placing my diary gently on the nearby table. It was time to start a new day.

While I prepared for the day ahead, a soft knock on my bedroom door disrupted my thoughts. "Come in," I called out, and the door opened to reveal a person dressed in a maid's outfit. "Good evening, Ms. Brook. Your breakfast is ready downstairs," she informed me, and then added, "Your father wishes to speak with you later." With a polite bow, she left the room.

I couldn't help but wonder why my father wanted to talk to me. It was unusual, but I welcomed the chance to have a conversation with him. I hastily descended the grand staircase, encountering only maids and butlers bustling about as they attended to their tasks. I took my seat at the dining table, where a plate adorned with avocado atop a slice of bread and a steaming cup of coffee awaited me. I expressed my gratitude to the butler before digging into the meal.

Midway through my breakfast, my phone rang, and I paused to answer it. "Hello?" I spoke with a hint of food in my mouth, trying to chew quickly.

"Hey, sweetie, how are you?" It was my dad's voice on the other end.

"I'm good, Dad," I replied, a smile was tugging on my lips as I awaited his response.

"That's good, hon. Well, I've got to run. See you later. Love you," he said hurriedly before ending the call. My smile faded. It was the same old story, with my father always making time for others but not for his own daughter. As I was about to put my phone down, a notification caught my attention.


Elihja: Oi, doofus, hurry up! I don't have all day, and we're gonna be late.

Me: I'm coming. Chill.

Me: I'll be out in 5 minutes?

Elihja: Hurry up, or I'm coming in.

Me: Fine.

I was relieved that I had finished my coffee, so I stood up, grabbed my bag, and headed out to meet Elijah. He had been my friend since childhood and was the one friend who hadn't left me. "Get in, doofus. It's already 5, and your class starts at 7. Have you packed your stuff yet?" he asked, his impatience evident.

"Yup, I have it. Hold on, let me get it," I replied, deciding to playfully tease him by taking an extra minute or two. I made sure to take my time before heading outside and getting into his car. His expression showed immense frustration, but he managed to keep it in check as he took the driver's seat and started the car. It took about an hour to get to school

As we stepped onto the school grounds, the anticipation in the air was electric. Our first stop was the dormitory building, where the check-in process awaited us, complete with the unveiling of our dormitory room assignments. With the paperwork sorted, we exchanged farewells, dispersing into different directions, our destinies within the vast campus awaiting.

Amidst the throngs of students, I couldn't help but carry a sliver of anxiety about meeting my yet-unknown roommate. Thankfully, as I entered the dorm room, it remained unoccupied, allowing me to put off the inevitable encounter till later.

For the time being, my focus shifted to the urgent matter of making it to my first period class. As I navigated the bustling hallways, I spotted a familiar face lurking near the classroom entrance. She couldn't resist her usual taunts, calling out, "Hey, look, it's the weirdo." Her predictable jabs were as unoriginal as her appearance, but I opted to rise above, choosing to ignore her snide remarks and pressing forward into the classroom.

Despite her persistent attempts to capture my attention, I stood my ground and settled into my seat without a second thought. The teacher's arrival signaled the start of another ordinary day, with the unfolding events mirroring the familiar routine that had become the backdrop of my collage life experience.

Àfter enduring several morning classes, the clock's hands finally converged on the much-anticipated hour of noon, signaling the arrival of the sacred lunch break. The hallways buzzed with students, their energy surging as they eagerly headed in all directions, anticipating the cherished respite from the classroom.

In the midst of this organized chaos, I reunited with my steadfast friend, Elihja. Our predetermined meeting point in the bustling school hall provided a moment of respite. The conversations and laughter of fellow students created a dynamic backdrop as we planned our journey to the school cafeteria, the promised land of culinary delights.

Elihja's face lit up with a mischievous grin, and I couldn't help but share in his excitement as we prepared to embark on our quest for sustenance. It was more than just a meal; it was a sanctuary of shared secrets and cherished moments, a place where we nourished our bodies and also funfact recess was where we first met when we were still kids.

With our destinations set, we navigated through the sea of students, finding ourselves weaving through familiar faces and the energetic chatter of our peers. We shared stories of our morning adventures, intertwining tales of classroom victories and occasional bad feedbacks, with each anecdote painting a vivid picture of our daily academic escapades.

The school's corridors became the backdrop of our animated dialogue, and as we finally arrived at the school cafeteria, the tantalizing scent of various dishes beckoned us forward. The aroma of freshly cooked meals filled the air, a symphony of culinary delights enticing us to embark on this culinary adventure.

As we queued up to select our meals,. Our conversations continued, with each passing moment. In the cafeteria's bustling atmosphere,

We found an unclaimed table amidst the lively chatter and the clinking of cutlery, our voices blending seamlessly into the chorus of students indulging in this midday ritual. As we savored the food and continued our conversation,

after lunch, it was time for us to resume our individual educational journeys. With the sound of the bell signaling the end of break, we bid each other a goodbye before going off to our respective next periods.

As we parted ways, the school's bustling hallways came alive with the vibrant energy of students in transition. The campus itself became a dynamic tapestry, where countless narratives intersected and intertwined, creating a mosaic of diverse experiences.

Amidst the sea of students navigating their way to different destinations, the anticipation of what awaited us in the next period was palpable. Some students wore expressions of eagerness, eager to dive into the upcoming lessons, while others carried the weight of more challenging subjects or impending assignments.

As i followed my class schedules, the hallways became a reflection of the diverse paths i embarking on, as i got to my next period i sat down in one of the chairs and minded my own business while waiting for our professor arrive

End of Chapter 1.

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