9 | i balance them out with my bitchiness

Start from the beginning

"And use a coaster." Maddison calmly says.

Handing George his beer which was on the table.

"And use a coaster!" Meredith yells, the complete opposite of Maddison.

"I ordered Chinese food." George's voice comes, as they walk upstairs.

"I hate Chinese food!" Meredith yells.

Izzie and George giggle.

They both stop in the hallway, after reaching the first floor.

"Want pizza?" Maddison asks the fuming girl.

"I want to kick them out." Meredith replies.

"Pizza it is." Maddison nods.

MADDISON, MEREDITH AND CRISTINA walk to the hospital, with coffees in hand.

"They're everywhere." Meredith complains.

"All the time." Maddison adds.

"Izzie's all perky-" Meredith starts.

"And George does this thing-"

"Where he's helpful and considerate-"

"They share food and they say things-"

"And they move things, and they breathe." Meredith finishes the two girl's rant. They both shiver. "They're like happy."

"And perky." Maddison adds, both girls having a disgusted look on their faces.

"Kick them out." Cristina replies, casually.

"I can't kick them out. They just moved in. I asked them to move in." Meredith says.

"And who's fault is that?" Maddison replies.

"Hey, I can kick you out." Meredith jokes.

"Try it." Maddison smirks. "I make coffee and I don't talk in the mornings, I don't ask questions or care about your life or what you do, I make delicious food when I'm bored and I barely leave my room." Meredith and Cristina look at the girl. "The only reason you can bear those two happy-go-lucky people is because I balance them out with my bitchiness."

"Wow." Cristina lets out. "You really are the perfect roommate." She turns to Meredith. "If you don't want her, I'll keep her."

"Hey, back off." Meredith replies. "She's mine. She keeps me from acting on my murderous impulses."

"So what, you both are just going to repress everything into some deep dark twisted place until one day you snap and kill them?" Cristina asks.

"Yup." Meredith replies.

"Exactly." Maddison pipes up.

"This is why we are friends." Cristina replies.

Alex comes up behind them as they enter the hospital.

"Why is the nazi making us stay in the Pit two days in a row?" Alex asks them.

"Leftovers." Maddison tells him.

"Leftovers?" He asks.

"Gotta get the cyclists who were too drunk or too stupid or too scared to get themselves to a hospital yesterday." Meredith answers.

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