The way you make me smile so hard my cheeks start to hurt.
Meeting you has been without a doubt the best part of my life
you were always my first choice for everything.

If i and to save one person, you.
if i had to kill one person, you.
nahhh just joking, i love you too much. Even tho you get on my nerves sometimes, but that's what friends do and lovers ;)

Your so beautiful, it's easy to say that but it's so true
i don't think i'd be able to write how beautiful you are.
i'll try anyways.

Your eyes, i could stare into them FOREVER
your lips, i could kiss forever, if you'd let me.
your hair is so nice, and you always look good in every hairstyle you do.
your nose is so cute too.
your just so cute in general.

I always wondered why you were so beautiful
but it's simple, you just are, there's no why. you have just always
been that way.

Your sense of style is so beautiful, you always look good.
you smell amazing everyday, like vanilla and caramel.

Your so kind but sometimes rude, but i never take anything
you say seriously, i know your joking, you can be abusive too.

Like when you hit me in the stomach.
That hurt btw. You got a good punch.

So when i'm not around to help you can protect yourself
which is good to know.

Back to how kind you are, you are honestly the most
caring person ever, and you've taught me to be too
only to some people tho.

Like when you helped the old lady walk across the road.
Or when you walked a whole pack of ducklings across the road
and stopped all of the cars.

Or when you brought me that comic book
which is the best comic book ever in my opinion.
i read it one night!

can you believe it, I robin arellano. READ something in ONE night.
isn't it a miracle.

Speaking of miracles, you are basically one, for me at least
if i didn't meet you i'd probably be a drug addict at the age of 10
that's how dumb i am.

Then i met you and you showed me lots of things.
How to be kind, how to feel my emotions, how to feel love.

you taught me that it's okay to cry and feel emotions
because as you know i was brought up in
'boys don't cry' household, especially my uncle
he's a coño.

you also taught me lots of things like devision
fuck. i don't know how to spell that, but i hope
you know what i mean the dividid thing.

You most likely don't like me, that's okay.
i'm used to it now.
Some things just aren't meant to be.

your always friend zoning me, which is fair.
after all we are friends, just wish it was more then that.

but i cant force you to feel things you don't feel.
Who knows, maybe you do like me, or maybe i'm delusional
the second ones more realistic, the first i just hope is real.

I've seen you hanging with bruce a lot.
He seems cool, i hope you guys the best if you do like him

but i'm always here for you, i want you to know that.
Every bad day, every sad day and every good day i'll be there for
until the day i die.

𝙇𝙀𝙏 𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝙇𝙄𝙂𝙃𝙏 𝙄𝙉 - bruce yamada Where stories live. Discover now