☕️ Chapter Three ☕️

Start from the beginning

I get off of him and sit beside him, wiping under my eyes. "You're finally back-" I let out a short, but quiet sob. "-after so many years of being gone...I thought I lost you forever..."

"Yes. I've finally made it back." He replies. "It took me long enough."

I take some deep breaths and wipe under my eyes once more, before looking at him again. Looking at him made me want to cry again, but I held it in. "Where the hell were you? How did you get back? Is that why that blue portal appeared?"

I sigh, stopping myself in my questioning and hug him again. "I've missed you so much, every single day. To be honest, I thought you died."

He pulls away, lightly pushing me out in front of him with his hands on my shoulders. "I'll explain your questions in a little bit, but I'll start with...I missed you as well."

I smile brightly. "I'm so glad you're back! Ask the others and they'll say I was miserable without you!" Then, a serious look comes across my face and I cross my arms. "Wait...can you tell me why I look like a thirteen-year-old again?"

"Well, you're like me. You're not thirteen. You just look thirteen. You still have the conscience of your thirty year old self. I have to say, it was a surprise to come in here and see you looking the way you did when I left."

Then, he hums. "But I'll have to try and figure out why you've became physically thirteen again later..."

"Later?" I ask, slumping my shoulders.

"Yes." He answers, standing up. "Right now, I'm going to go make me a sandwich. I haven't had one in a long time where I've been. So, I'll be in the kitchen, probably being interrogated by the others. Come down and join me."

I jump off the bed, grab my blazer, and put it on. "Alright. I'll just come down with you, since I'm done changing."

Five and I get into the kitchen and the others were already gathered around the island, where Five is going to be making his sandwich. I sit on the counter, away from the others at the island.

Five sighs, as he grabs the bread. "What's the date? The exact date."

"The twenty-fourth." Vanya answers.

"Of what?" Five asks, already sounding annoyed.

"March." I answer softly.

He nods, as he gets two slices of bread out of the bag. "Good..."

"So, are we going to talk about what just happened like twenty minutes ago and why Y/n looks like a teenager again?" Luther asks and gets no reply. So, he aggressively stands out of his chair. "It's been seventeen years, Five."

Five scoffs. "At the moment, I'm not sure why she looks thirteen again and it's been a lot longer than that." He jumps behind Luther to grab the marshmallows off a high shelf.

Luther sighs. "I haven't missed that..."

"Wait. How?" I ask. "You disappeared seventeen years ago. I should know...I was there when you left."

"Since I traveled through time, it's been a whole lot longer than seventeen years...for me anyway." Five answers, as he still looks for the marshmallows.

"Where'd you go?" Diego asks the same question I asked earlier, in my room.

Five finds the marshmallows and jumps back to his bread slices. "The future. It's shit, by the way."

Klaus shoots his hand up. "Called it."

"I should've listened to the old man..." Five mumbles, as he grabs the peanut butter from the refrigerator. "You know, jumping through space is one thing, but jumping through time is a toss of the dice."

The Space Between Us (S1) || Five Hargreeves x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now