☕️ Chapter Three ☕️

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"I honestly can't believe you, Luther. Thinking one of us killed Dad...none of us were even here when he died..." I grumble, as I flop onto the bed. "How can someone be such a dumbass?!"

I cover my face with my hands and sigh. "Ugh...I sound like a little kid complaining..."

I just lay on my bed, until I hear some music start playing. The song 'I Think We're Alone Now' to be exact. I smile to myself and get off my bed and start swaying to the beat a little.

(She's a mixture between Allison and Klaus...so she's an ok-ish dancer)

From my bed, I grab the blanket and wrap it around my shoudlers, pretending as if it were a long cape. I swish it around, as I dance, until there's a sudden blue light that appears outside with thunder booming.

Throwing my blanket on the bed, I run out of my room and meet Allison in the hallway. "Did you see that?"

"If you're talking about that weird blue light, then yes. I saw it." Allison answers and we get outside, where Vanya, Diego, and Luther are already standing.

"What is it?" Vanya asks.

"Don't get too close!" Allison exclaims.

As I stare into the blue light, it feels oddly familiar. "Guys! Doesn't this remind any of you of F-"

A sudden pain shoots through my entire body, making me fall straight onto the ground, harshly. "Ah!"

"Y/n!" Vanya crouches down beside me. "What's wrong?!"

Allison crouches down on the other side of me. "What's going on?!"

"My body..." I start feeling lightheaded. "It hurts...so mu-" I black-out.


I groan and sit up. Somehow, I'm now in my bed, even though I remember going outside after that random blue light appeared. My body still aches. Just why did that sharp pain course through my body earlier? It hurt like hell.

I climb off my bed and...I'm shorter? I start to freak out a little, so I run over to the mirror in my room and look at myself for a few seconds before screaming at what I see. I see my younger self in the mirror. I appear to be about thirteen.

I immediately open my bedroom door. "Hey! If anyone's down there, could they come explain to me why the hell I'm short and a child again?!"

"Just hold on!" I hear Vanya reply.

"Ok..." I shakily sigh to myself and pace around before walking over to my closet to find something to wear, since my scrubs are now baggy on me.

I open it only to find the most uncomfortable clothes ever...the Academy uniform.

"Oh...you've got to be shitting me..." I grab a uniform out of the closet and start to change into it.

I just got done putting my skirt on and now I'm buttoning my shirt when someone, most likely Vanya, knocks on the door.

I finish buttoning my shirt and grab my tie and wrap it around my neck and start tying it up. "Come on in, Vanya."

I hear a very familiar crack behind me. "Well, I'm not Vanya, but it's nice to know that I'm welcomed in." The person, who I thought was Vanya, corrects. I turn around quicker than lightning at the voice.

"Five!" I practically scream and tackle him onto my bed in a hug. Well, he's definitely here if I can hug him. I start crying tears of joy.

"Why are you crying?" He asks.

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