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Giyuu steps back and looks at the demon in front of her.

The demon covers his forearm until the bleeding stops, its mouth forms into a menacing grin

Demon: well well well aren't you a feisty one. I must say I'm impressed that you even managed to land a hit on me

The demon runs forward and grabs giyuu by the neck

Demon: to bad you won't last long enough to manage that again

Giyuu carefully watches the demon, as it goes one about how it's the strongest and shit

With one Swift movement giyuu pulls out a knife from her pocket. Throwing her hand forward with enough Force, she stabs the knife into the demons face  and twists, making the demon let's go of her and step back holding its hand over it's bloody face

But the knife remains stabbed in to the  demons face which now causes giyuu to be unarmed giving her a great disadvantage again the demon.

The demon once again charges at giyuu but this time giyuu reacts faster and lowers herself to the ground so when the demon reaches her she grabs it by the legs and twists her body using all her weight to pull the demon to the ground, the demon obviously not expecting it is immobilized for a few seconds but that gives her enough time to get on top of it and grab it's arms, she then stands up on the demon and puts one leg on its neck holding its head down she uses the second leg to pin down the demons left arm, she bends down and grabs the knife that is still stabbed into the  demon's face , then using the knife she makes a few cuts right at the shoulder of a demon deep enough to cause damage but not deep enough to cut the arm off, she then grips his arm by the wrist and stabs the knife in to  it's arm for leverage and pulled until it's arm comes right off.

With the hashira

Sanemi: fuck yeah that's what I'm thinking about

Back to giyuu

Giyuu looks down at the demon and gets ready to slice its neck but at the last minute she hears a few voices yelling behind her that gives the demon enough time to push her off and run away.

She forgets about the demon and focuses on the voices, she looks around and spots her siblings getting yelled at by a few villagers, she quickly makes her way over to them and tries to explain that they are not a threat but they won't listen to her and threaten to kill them if they don't leave, she tells them that they're leaving right now and there's no reason for anything to happen, giyuu and her siblings turn and start walking away eager to leave the village but just as they have past the village gate a swarm of arrows forms in the sky and comes falling towards, before they can react most of her siblings have gotten pierced with an arrow or get close to getting pierced, she rushes by their side and tries to help them but then she feels ropes getting tied around her neck and pulling her backwards she puts her hands through the ropes so they don't choke her and looks behind her, there she spots some of the villagers with ropes in their hands looking at her she begs them to let her help her siblings so they don't die but they won't listen to her and then continue to tie  ropes around her body to restrain her, then some of the villagers pick up the corpses of her siblings and pull the remaining alive children back to the village and bring them to the center of the community, their stands a big Pole surrounded by firewood, they throw the corpses in the pile and tie the  alive children to the pole, the position giyuu a few meters away making sure she looks at the pole then they light the torch and throw it into the pile making fire erupt around the children.

Giyuu looks helpless at the burning bodies of her siblings getting hunted by the screems unable to hold back anymore she yanks the ropes of her and runs to the fire in an attempt to save the few remaining alive children, villagers get into her way in an attempt to stop her but in her rage she kills a few of them using the knife she had in her pocket, she reaches the fire and starts pulling the corpses away not caring if she gets burned in the process more ropes get thrown on to her bringing her back while see yells and screams that they at least let her bury them, a swarm of people forms around her and pushes her into a building which is then locked.

She falls to the ground and ushers to get back up trying to open the door but failing, she then finds one window which is closed by bars and tries to look out of it to see what is happening, all all she can see is the villagers putting out the fire and gathering the corpses  of siblings to hopefully bury them, most of the people turn their heads towards her once  they hear her scream out curses and promises of suffering to them promising them that their actions will have consequences

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