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Master Kagaya : good morning my children I hope you all are well

Shinobu: we most certainly are master we hope you are in good health to

Master kagaya: I am my child, I appreciate your concern.
I have called you hear to day because I have some great news, a new hashira has joined the corpse

Uzui: well those are amazing news what is his name

Master kagaya: well another thing she is a girl and I way add the first female hashira

Misturi: oh really we have never had a girl hashira before this is so exciting

Uzui: I know, I bet she is going to be flashy

Master kagaya: now my children I am pleased to introduce to you Tomioka Giyuu the new water hashira

Just then Giyuu walks in (she is wearing her normal uniform for now)
She stands and looks at the hashira and bows to them

Giyuu: it's a pleasure to meet you all my name is Tomioka Giyuu and my breath is water breathing.

Sinobu: hello Tomioka it's nice to meet you to my name is kocho shinobu, my I ask what is you're age

Giyuu: nice to meet you to kocho, and I am 21 year's old

Shinobu: that's lovely

Uzui: say Tomioka who trained you

Giyuu: oh I was trained by Sakonji Urokodaki

Uzui: now that's flashy

Gyomei: now now shinobu and uzui let Tomioka settle down before you go asking her everything

Uzui: ok ok fine you are no fun

After giyuu settled down she had some time to herself so she went and sat under a tree to read a book

Shinobu who was walking by saw her

Shinobu: oh well hello Tomioka, didn't see you there, mind if I sit with you

Giyuu: oh hi kocho, of course not go ahead sit

Shinobu sat down and started chatting with giyuu, after a while the rest of the hashy joint them

At some point a Kakushi whalked up to them

Kakushi: hi Miss Tomioka

Giyuu: oh hello

Kakushi: I was wondering if you could come with me for a bit

Giyuu: of course but my I ask the reason behind it

Kakushi: oh yes of course we'll you see we noticed that your uniform is Abit worn out so we took the liberty of making you one with a few minor adjustment

Giyuu: oh that's very thoughtful of you

A few minutes later giyuu walks out with a ruther dispesent look on her face, she is also covering herself with her haroi

Rengoku: um Tomioka why are you covering your self

Giyuu: oh it's nothing, um just a little issue with my new uniform but they won't let me get my old one back

Shinobu: I'm sure it's fine, come on show us

Giyuu : well...ok fine

Giyuu pulls away her haroi and shows the rest her new uniform
( The one I had made was really bad, so just imagine it looks like mituris uniform (I hope I spelled that correctly)

and giyuu was really embarrassed she started to turn red and hid her face

Uzui: Don't be embarrassed Tomioka it's not that bad and I might say it's rather flashy

Shinobu: that's because you are not the one wering it. Tomioka it's ok I'm sure we can get the worker's to change it

Worker: no can't do sir kocho.

Shinobu: and why is that

Worker: well we want our female members to be able to breathe properly in the uniform... Plus her old one is already destroyed and we can't make her another one

Shinobu: you now you are really annoyed

Worker: well gotta go see you later

Sanemi: well he is an idiot

Uzui: yeah.

Shinobu: I am going go give him a peace of my mind

Giyuu: oh no please don't, it's not necessary

Sihinobu: are you sure Tomioka

Giyuu: yes I'm sure

Shinobu:ok fine

After that they continued to chat for a while

Ok so this is bad but the interesting part is coming

So yeah 👍

Tomioka giyuu Where stories live. Discover now