Chapter 4

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"You don't give yourself enough credit," Renee said, tightening her grip on his cock as she thrust into him. "You totally could have handled a monster dildo tonight."

Seth wasn't so sure. They fucked and played for at least an hour before Renee put on the harness, and several things quickly became clear. Even though Renee obviously didn't have a cock of her own, she definitely knew how to wield one, showing hardly any hesitation with the strap-on. He, on the other hand, hadn't been on the receiving end for a while, so Renee had started slow, with him stretched out on his stomach so he could relax. Seth gradually moved up to his knees and probably would have climaxed in under a minute if Renee hadn't been so disciplined. Now they were wrapping up for the night and Renee wanted one last go at him, but she also wanted to watch him come, so Seth was sprawled on his back, as lax as if he'd just had a full body massage for an hour. Well, I sorta have, he thought as he watched Renee.

Her rhythm was mesmerizing, a marvel of opposites and angles and pacing. As she was thrusting into him, her hand would be curling around the tip of his cock; as her fingers worked her way down to his balls, she would almost withdraw completely. They'd had to stop and reposition the towel beneath him twice because he was writhing so much and Seth was pretty sure he should have stopped at one round, but Renee was too damn good. "Next time," he groaned, bucking up against her hand. "I promise."

The orgasm hit hard and he watched Renee's hand and belly get coated in white before he let his head fall back against the pillows. "Next time," Renee teased, easing out of him, "we'll have to get a room with better sheets." As she stood up, she pointed to the rip along the side.

Seth rolled his head to the side and grimaced. "Oops. Well, the room's on my card," he murmured, shutting his eyes to bask in the pulses of pleasure still zipping through him. "I've got enough on there to cover it."

"Wanna split it?" Renee asked. "The replacement fee, I mean, not your ass."

Chuckling, Seth slowly sat up. "You came pretty damn close to splitting my ass, I think, but damn." He knew the arrangement was supposed to be for Renee's sake, but he could see himself trying to hook up every Monday, and he knew that wasn't the way he was supposed to be thinking of his friend's wife.

He wasn't sure if Renee was blushing or if her cheeks were just red with exertion; she had been working up quite a sweat while fucking him. "Thanks. Glad to know I still have the touch." After undoing all the fasteners on the harness, she slipped it off. "I'm just going to go clean this up a bit. I know they do it," she added, "but... you know. Canadian politeness and all."

"Your mother must be so proud." Seth turned to watch Renee. The harness had dug in hard along her hips, leaving deep indents and friction burn. "Hope you don't have to wear a short skirt anytime soon," he called out, standing gingerly. His ass was definitely going to be sore tomorrow, but mostly in a good way. He wasn't sure if Renee would want another Rose & Thorn night with him—they had already covered a lot of bases, after all—but he hoped so. Something like this was just what he needed: the proverbial sex without strings, but with the friendship element that somehow made it easier to ask for things he might not otherwise.

Rolling his shoulders, Seth walked to the bathroom, where Renee was just drying off the dildo and wrapping it in the towel. "They're going to have some full bins tonight," she said. Then she pushed him back against the counter. "Stay there for a minute."

Seth almost started to protest when she went to her knees, but Renee only licked his cock clean before rising again. "So do you have a monster dildo in mind," he asked, "or are you going to surprise me?"

Renee grinned. "I think I want it to be a surprise. We'll see. I'll have to look up club locations and check our schedule for the next month or two." Then she pointed to the shower. "Go ahead. I'll put everything in the bin."

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