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A dimly lit room with its only light source being a sunset peeking its way through currents. A cold sweat ran down Luigi's face. He had been laying in a pile of his own sweat for a while. It was cold. But he didnt move, not for anything. He was clueless. He felt like he wasn't where he thought he was, that he needed to be somewhere that wasn't there. But he doesn't even know where he is, or even the time, not even the day. His bed didn't feel safe, he hated how it felt, and how the light that poured in his room didn't look real. The way anything looked, made him uneasy. Luigi quickly sat up, he was alert. Like a rabbit when suddenly spooked. He didn't move, didn't even dare to breathe or make any sudden movements. As the clock on the wall ticked, he watched it. Not even trying to read it. Confused as Luigi was, he turned his head slowly around his room trying to grasp the thought that he's awake and is in fact safe. A knock hit Luigi's ears, widening his eyes and making a quick turn to the door, jumping back on his bed board that hit the wall. The door then opened faster.

"Are you alright bro?!" Mario said with a bowl of warm soup in his left hand. Any nervousness Luigi had quickly vanished as it was his brother, and he let himself relax.

"sì, mi hai appena spaventato" Luigi gave out a small chuckle as he relaxed into his pillow, Mario sat at the end of Luigi's bed handing him soup.

"What's-a this?" A slight smile grew on Luigi's face as he used his spoon to move the food around his bowl to understand what was in it.

"It's-a Italian sausage tortellini soup! I thought-a I would give it-a try...I might have missed a few-a things-a though, its-a by memory"

Mario smiled as he sat on the edge of Luigi's bed, watching Luigi's reaction towards his soup.
Luigi happily placed the spoon in his mouth and ate what he was served.

"Sooo what do you think?"
"Hm I think you could use a bit of pepper..but erm it's good! It's really good bro! You're getting better and better at cooking, you know."

Mario left a chuckle under his breath

"I'm sure if you would have-a cooked this it-a would have been amazing! You and mama have like a gift."

Luigi looked down shaking his head

"Sure, fratello."

Luigi glanced at his window and noticed that the sun was starting to fall, when it hit Luigi that he had to meet his little ghost friend at Bowser's castle for a possible job offer.

"Ay Mario! What is the time?" Luigi gripped his covers, Mario brought up the end of his spoon to his chin and looked at the clock.

"About 5:22pm"


Luigi threw his covers off of him and jumped to his feet, stumbling over and grabbing his shelf to avoid hitting the ground.

"Luigi! What's-a wrong?" Mario yelped surprised at how Luigi threw himself out of bed.

"I-I-I need to-a go!" Luigi opened his closet to grab a green button up with black vertical stripes running down the shirt and threw it on his chair mumbling under his breath going through clothes.

"Weegee what-a are you going on about? You don't have to be anywhere?" Mario moved Luigi's bowl on to his desk to avoid having it fall and making a mess.

"I-I do! I made plans with a friend last night for them to take me to uh..."

oh right...Mario isn't a big fan of Bowser, Luigi can't blame him. Bowser is always causing destruction to the kingdom and getting the mushroom people upset and stressed. Not to mention kidnapping the princess. But with the flyer there could be possible jobs at the castle that Luigi could play a part in, he was always happy to help anyone who needed it. Now how can he tell Mario that he is going to Bowser's castle in search of a job...and for him to to take it lightly...'this is impossible..' Luigi took a deep breath and created a tighter grip on the end of his shirt he looked at Mario and continued on.
"I...I noticed the hospital bill and yesterday I couldn't sleep and uh I went back to 'The Last Resort' to check on things. And found that Bowser is hosting a celebration or sorts and he could probably have job...offers"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2023 ⏰

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