[DAY ONE] Is This a Birdie or a Devil?

Bắt đầu từ đầu

The blond boy prepared to run towards the goose, but what he didn't expect was for the goose to stop and snap their head towards Tsukasa.

They locked eyes.

They stared each other down.

A panicked Rui scrambled away from the goose, sighing in relief. But then his eyes widened at the realization that Tsukasa was now in danger. But Tsukasa wasn't backing down. This goose was not getting away with their vile actions!

The goose made their move first.

They took a step towards Tsukasa, pausing before aggressively waddling towards him.

"Oh, oh no you DON'T-" Tsukasa reached towards the goose, trying to scoop it up, but the goose whacked his hands away with their wings.

Oh. Damn. Okay.

The goose reached Tsukasa.

But then, they stopped in front of his feet. They pecked his leg a single time before moving around and pushing Tsukasa's leg. Fortunately, there wasn't enough force to make him move, but the strange part is that it looked like the goose wanted him to move.

'Maybe if I move, we can have a truce and reach a compromise!'

So Tsukasa took a step forwards, in the same direction the goose was pushing him. The goose paused, looking up at Tsukasa. But then, he waddled towards him again and kept on pushing.

"Woah, okay, okay, I'll move-!" Tsukasa walked backwards, keeping an eye on the goose. "Are you happy now?!" He asked, frowning as he crossed his arms. "I moved for you!!"

The goose looked to the side, where Rui was sitting to the right of Tsukasa. They looked back up at Tsukasa and nodded, honking before waddling away. Suddenly, the goose kicked Tsukasa's bag towards him and then walked behind the wall on the rooftop so the two couldn't see him.

"What.. just happened?" Tsukasa muttered, looking down at Rui. He slid down the fence, leaning his back against it as he sat down and made himself comfortable. As Tsukasa took his bag, mentally thanking the goose for bringing it to him, Rui shrugged.

"Honestly, I have no idea. It's a bit strange though, because it seems like the goose was pushing you towards me." He replied, taking out a bento from his bag. "And look, now that we're together, it's gone."


Rui paused. "..Well- not gone, but at least it isn't attacking anymore."

Tsukasa sighed, taking out his own food. "Yup. And now, we can enjoy our luncheon in peace!" He declared, opening his bento. "You owe me now for helping you!"

"Hm, is that true?" Rui asked. He smirked, looking into his own bento. At the sight of carrots, Rui's smile fell. "Well then, would these carrots would suffice as a gift?"

"NO! ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!" Tsukasa exclaimed angrily. "EAT YOUR VEGETABLES, RUI!!"

Tsukasa and Rui continued chatting. Just the two of them, talking about anything and everything. It was a bit embarrassing to admit, but never in his life had Tsukasa been able to talk like this with someone. Someone who he knew wouldn't judge him for anything, someone who shared the same interests as him. It always made his heart feel all warm and fuzzy at the thought of it.

Tsukasa didn't know what this feeling was. But the more he talked to Rui, the more this feeling grew. It felt nice.


The goose was gone by the time lunch was over.


Thankfully, the goose left no traces of ever being on the school roof. Nobody knew about it, and Tsukasa deemed himself safe from geese for another day.

Star And The Moon- Ruikasa Week 2023!Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ