Grudges Never Last

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        I woke in my bed; the lights dim and a fire crackling. I take in my surroundings of the familiar living room. beige stone walls with wood floors. Shadows dance on the wall from the fire. Guns hung on the walls with assorted knives and weapons. My father sitting in his chair staring into the fire. I sit up, the pain not as intense as I thought it'd be. "How long have I been asleep?" Dad looks at me with narrowed eyes. "A few days. You were put through the wringer." I nod slowly and sigh. "It was Turk. Turk had it out for me." He's no longer looking at me, instead he glares into the fire. "I know. He snuck into the test. He thought he would get to end your life. I spoke with his brother. He knew all about his plan but was sworn to secrecy." I felt tears prick my eyes, remembering what Turk had told me before he was killed. "He told me I was responsible for Tryx' death. That I was the reason she left to the Wastelands." My voice cracks and my throat burns. "I'm sorry, dad. I'm so sorry." "Stop crying, Dahlia. There's no use. What will your tears do? They won't bring her back." I look at him. "You're only proving what Turk claims. You have to have a thick skin, or you'll never be respected. Do me a favor and forget it." I wipe my eyes and sniffle. "I miss her." He stands up and walks to the fireplace, dousing it in water. "I know. I do too. But we have to move on with our lives." His words cut deeper than a knife. "How can you be so callous to Tryx' disappearance? It's almost like you don't care that she is gone!" He slams his fist down on the table, inhaling sharply to calm himself down. With a heavy sigh he shakes his head, unable to make eye contact. "That's because she's dead. We can't put our life on hold or waste our time running into the Wastelands to look for her. I've let you live this charade long enough. She's not coming back. Respect the favor I've asked you and forget it." He spoke with pain and anger his clenched fists and white knuckles, gave it away, his eyes full of tears. With nothing more, he turns away and walks to his room. "I'm going to bed. It's late." I nod, knowing better than to push any further on the subject and his door closes. I sigh deeply and look outside the window. How can he just pretend that she never lived? Unable to shake the conversation, I get dressed and walk outside.

        The wind is cold and crisp, but the air is hot from the day. The stars brightly shine in the sky above, the green moon reflecting off the ocean. Houses lined on the edge with candles lit in the windows. Sitting peacefully on the ledge of the wall to the ocean, I look to the horizon. My mind wanders off to places in the Wastelands I haven't explored yet for Tryx. I know she's out there; something keeps nagging at me to not give up. How can dad just pretend she didn't exist? That question kept running through my mind. It was hard to believe, his own daughter, he forgot about. Is that what will happen to me? When I die, is he going to pretend I never existed? Will I become nothing more than a lost memory to my own father? Squeezing my eyes shut, a tear fell down my face, covering my eyes with my hands. "Hey, you're awake finally!" It was Daxter. Startled, I look up to see Jak and Daxter staring at me, Jak's face unable to read. I sniff and look away, embarrassed that he saw me crying. "Yeah, I'm awake! Haha, just needed to get a good cry out." Jak nods slowly. "I guess that makes sense. Have to remind yourself that you're human." My eyes widen and I look back at him quickly, he offers a half smile, causing my heart to skip a beat. I quickly look away as my cheeks heat up. "Trust me, I know. I just went through something myself. Had to act tough, like it didn't hurt me. Truth is, I'd cry when no one was looking." Daxter blows a raspberry. "Please, I was there. You cried like a baby. He got his heart broken by a girl he grew up with." He sighs heavily, laying down on his back to look up to the sky, ignoring Daxter. "Yeah, I had my heart broke, but I also endured life altering situations which tested me in every aspect. It wasn't until I decided I was going to walk my own path that everything fell into place." I straighten myself up and look over the horizon. "Walk my own path?" I echo him. He looks over at me, his blue eyes glistening in the moonlight. "Thank you, Jak. You've really put something into perspective for me." I smile at him. Daxter raises an eyebrow, "you're serious? Just from that, he helped you get perspective?" I nod and chuckle. "You're a good person, Jak. Daxter, you're an interesting creature." Daxter crosses his arms and turns away. "Whatever." We sit in silence for a moment and enjoy the sound of waves crashing. "I should probably head home, it's pretty late." Jak nods and stretches. "Yeah, it's time for us to hit the hay as well." Tilting my head to the side and give a half smile. "Do you have somewhere to stay?" Jak nods his head. "Yeah, your father has let us stay." I help him up and look him in the eyes. "Really? The entire time I've been out?" I stop in my tracks, all seriousness taking over. "You saved my life, I owe you." Jak scratches the back of his head nervously. "I was just fulfilling the task that was given." His words stung. "Oh, right. For your citizenship." I nervously chuckle. "Makes sense." We stand in awkward silence. "Well, this has been nice but how about we get to your place and get some shut eye?" Daxter yells. "Right! Let's go!" I lead the way to my house, walking in silence not letting them know how much of an idiot I feel. How could I think that he saved me because he liked me? Fucking hell, seriously? He doesn't even know me! He didn't even know that I was someone who existed before we were thrown into the arena together! We approach the door to my home, lost in thought about Jak and what he said. I walk face first into the door creating a loud "thud". "Ouch, that hurt." I say rubbing my nose. I let out a chuckle, my cheeks red with humiliation. "Well, here we are!" I open the door and let them in. "Okie dokie, well, good night!" I rush off to my room before they can say anything more.

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