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nothing was heard that night except for gasps and heaves, along with clattering footsteps as renjun desperately wanted to flee from the horrifying sight as fast as his little legs could.

"fuck, fuck, fuck—" he breathed out as he fumbled with his keys, finally opening the damn door and slamming himself inside, his head convulsing as he felt like he was about to die from cardiac arrhythmia. "i swear, i should really need to sleep better...what the hell is going on with my head..."

renjun froze as he squished himself on to the door as he tried to ignore the stinging pain of his wound, waiting patiently as silence draped over the house, not a single noise being heard. for good measure, he stood stationary for an additional five minutes just to make sure that he was still not being stealthily followed by any interdimensional monster that he just so recognized as his violinist best friend.

fatigue kicking in on his frame, renjun collapsed on to the floor as he heaved a deep breath, a wave of relief thrashing on to his mind as he reassured himself that this was all some weird hyper-realistic dream that he can control with utmost precision. he legs felt like jelly and his head felt like it was made of tungsten as he struggled to crawl towards his bedroom, hoping to at least pass out near the bed.

"hahh...oh god...i can't..." renjun breathed out, squeaks leaving his high-pitched voice as he tried to pull himself up, all of his senses now completely drenched in pure delirium as his skin burned at a slight touch, indicating his brain that he probably is suffering a fever due to the intense fear-inducing image he really does want to think about anymore.

sadly enough for renjun, he was still being stalked to his house by the same apparent 'monster' he was absolutely terrified of, for he forever left his nerve-wracking mortal life for something abysmally cursed.

jisung smirked as he watched his pianist acquaintance struggle to crawl inside his bedroom for safety, patiently waiting so that he could pull him along to hell as a soul-stolen victim....but that thought was suddenly thrown out of the window as he heard the small squeaks and ironic moans the older was making whilst his struggles.

what if he had a little bit more fun instead...? after all, throwing him to hell is a boring idea, it requires minimal effort and what's the fun in that?

chuckling in a deep and raspy voice that was chittaphon times deeper than the voice gifted to him as a mortal, he raised his hand to slide both his fingers into a hypersonic snap, watching intently at the older and his about-to-be reactions.

renjun froze as he felt his delirious episode now amplified to the point of complete confusion, his fever now shooting up to temperature levels that are considered scorching by human biology standards. his breath faltered as he felt all the blood in his body pool towards his...crotch? what the hell was happening to him?!

now utterly and diametrically horrified, he struggled as much as he could, eliciting more moans and gasps from his lips. he finally managed to grab the leg of a table and pull himself up, stumbling on every single thing he felt as he fell on to the support of his not-so-near but dear bedroom door, slapping his hand carelessly on the door handle until it finally twisted, letting him in.

the little bell ⇢ rensungWhere stories live. Discover now