f o r t y - f o u r

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short chapter for today 👯‍♀️


you pulled the blanket off and sat yourself up, slowly adjusting to the darkness of your room. with your eyes barely open, you blindly reached for the cup of water on the table next to your bed.

"...it's empty," you muttered to yourself. you were thirsty but you also didn't feel like getting out of bed. letting out a defeated sigh, you eventually forced yourself to stand up and made your way out to the kitchen.

the house was completely dark as you entered the kitchen. not bothering to turn on any lights, you gave your cup a quick rinse before refilling it. a loud thud broke through the silence, causing you to jump. you were fully awake now, setting the cup down with shaky hands.

you stood rooted to the ground as you listened to the front door being opened and slammed shut. is it giyuu? you took a quick glance out the window. but the sun isn't up yet, it's too early for him to be back. right..?


no response.

your heart was racing, mind a mess as you tried to think of the possibilities. if it's not giyuu then?

make a run for it. run to your room, lock the door, and then escape by the window or something... without a second thought, you sped out of the kitchen, forcing yourself to not look at the living room just in case you see something you don't want to.

right, my room is not too far away so-

"eeeek!" it felt as if your heart had just exploded into a million pieces when you felt a cold grip on your arm. you squeezed your eyes shut, not wanting to see whatever it was that's clinging onto you. not knowing what to do, you attempted to yank your hand away with all your strength. that plan failed, resulting in you falling on your butt with your back hitting a wall.

you snapped your eyes open, ready to come face to face with a demon.


you could've easily mistaken him for a ghost with how pale his face was. his head was down as he tightened his grip on your wrist, his other hand was against the wall behind you, holding him up so he doesn't completely fall on top of you.

"fuck... sorry..." he breathed out, slightly lifting his head to lock eyes with you. "... are you... okay..?"

your faces were so close, just a few inches apart, you were pretty sure he could hear the sound of your heart racing. "y-yes, i'm fine!" the back of your head was throbbing due to hitting it against the wall when you fell. "but are you?"

"no... not rea-" giyuu let out a pained grunt, the hand that was keeping him up slipped from the wall causing him to lose his balance. instinctively, you grabbed onto his shoulders to prevent him from crashing into you. "giyuu..?" you watched him with a worried expression. his eyes were glued shut and he was breathing heavily.

you slowly pushed his hair away from his forehead before placing the back of your hand against it. it was burning hot.

"giyuu, can you stand..?" you were already having trouble holding him up, you doubt you could carry him back to his room. "giyuu?" the only response you got was his uneven breathing and something he mumbled under his breath. "what? sorry, i couldn't hear you..."

giyuu had already gave in to the fever and fell asleep, leaving you to figure out what to do. you managed to push yourself up to a sitting position, with giyuu leaning on you. you slowly stood up, feeling a little dizzy as your head continued to throb.

after seven minutes of struggling, you finally got him to lay down on the couch. you gave up trying to get him to his room so you figured here would do.

you quickly made your way into your room, yanking the blanket off the bed and returning to the living room. you gently pulled the blanket over his freezing body, making sure he's completely covered.

you then found yourself a pail and a cloth. you filed the pail up with cool water before setting it on the floor in front of the couch. soaking the cloth into the water, you took it out and gave it a few squeezes to rinse the water out before folding and placing it on his forehead.

not knowing what else to do, you sat yourself down in front of the couch. your head was still hurting from the fall. you let out a sigh, leaning back and resting your head next to giyuus'.

you felt yourself going in and out of consciousness as you tried to stay awake. you glanced at the clock, four thirty-eight. you went to bed around one in the morning so you were pretty tired. but you also wanted to stay up to make sure giyuus' fever doesn't worsen.

i'll just rest my eyes for a while...

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐋𝐄𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒; 𝑻.𝑮𝑰𝒀𝑼𝑼Where stories live. Discover now