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I am grateful that i have this kind of life, but dang, sometimes all i want to do is to lie down on my bed and sleep because im so tired.

Im not rich, but im not that poor.
Im eating decent meals 3 times a day.
I have home.
It's my parent's house.
I have decent clothes that keep me warm.
Hindi lahat ng bagay ay may pagaari ako pero lahat naman na kailangan ko ay nasaakin.

But am i satisfied? with this average life?


Sometimes, don't be contended on that situation you are in. Go and strive for more. You will make it far from what you're today. Dont settle for les.
You know you have talents. You are the one that will change your destiny, not him, not her, but you are!

Desire for fame that is huge enough that your name will be known for the whole world.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2023 ⏰

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