Bonus Oneshot

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[ A Zolu One Shot for the Zolu shippers! ]

        The day started all cloudy and gloomy around the ships deck, it looked like it was about to rain so Sanji gone ahead and went outside swiftly to get the dresses that were hanging outside.

        "Awwhhh, where's the sun?" The straw raven says disappointedly at the Sunny's head. "They're there, just behind those clouds." The long raven hair says so by the railings looking at Luffy.

        "Oooh, okay!" The raven gets the point.

        Robin giggles a bit before leaving her captain on his own, a green haired man suddenly came in and joined along the raven by the Sunny's head and looked over at him with a smirk.

        "Hey captain!" The swordsman shouted to the raven.

        "Yeah? What is it!?" The raven yelled back.

        "Come 'er." The swordsman then let his arms out signaling the raven to come over for a hug.

        The raven smiled showing out his gums and ran over with his arms stretching by the poles and launched himself to hug the swordsman "ZOROOO!!" The raven yelled out as the swordsman catches the raven followed by the force making both of them almost fallover.

        "Hey-woah there." The swordsman grunted put as he tries to keep his balance while also holding the rubber boy.

        "Jeez Luffy, you gotta stop flinging yourself or I might not even catch you in time." The swordsman warned the rubber boy.

        "Heheh-Sorry! But it's just so fun when being at fast speed! It's so cool and I love it!" The raven says out excitedly followed by a giggle.

        "Welp, if you say so." The swordsman spoke.
        'Typical captain..' He thought as he smiled.

        As the swordsman smiles, he then switched over to his other hand holding the rubber boy, the raven realized this and became confused.

        "Huh-Zoro! Put me down!!" The Raven says as he struggles out as he flaps his arms around the swordsman.

        The green hair whose unamused by this as he walks over inside the deck with a sigh.

        "C'mon we gotta get inside before it rains you idiot." The swordsman tries to make a point.

        "HEYY! I'm your captain so put me down!!" The raven shouts out like a child.

        "No." The green hair says with a simple word that surely makes a big effect no matter how short or little  it is.

        "HMmmm.." The raven mumbles out and pouts with a mad-like child face.

        "Love you idiot." The swordsman says as he pecks the ravens cheek.

        "Love you too!" The raven switches moods and pecks the swordmans cheeks too.

        The green hair chuckled out as both of them gets inside the ship before it rains.

Fun fact:
I actually wrote this Oneshot in the rain so I made the background plot all rainy-like.

So I hope you enjoy and see you in the next Oneshot!

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