So sure that something awful would have happened while he'd been alone with Philip.

She didn't trust the man in the slightest. That look he always gave her every time they saw each other, there was something he knew that she didn't and he was silently taunting her about it. She hated it.

But right now, her priorities were with Hunter and worrying about just how limp he'd gone in her arms, looking as if he were ready to doze off at any moment.

"Oh, you look so tired! Did you not sleep very well?" She fussed.

"Actually," Philip cut in, "He's been staying up late to read. I tried to tell him it was time for bed but he would just sneak the book back out once I'd left."

Well I didn't ask you, did I? Evelyn wanted to shout, disgusted by his audacity, but instead, she turned her attention to Hunter.

"Is that true?" She asked, rubbing his back with the palm of her hand as if he were an actual baby in her arms, resting against her shoulder.

Hunter gave her a weak nod, not even able to look her in the eye when he did.

She found it very hard to believe.

"Well, we should get you home, huh?" Evelyn suggested, just taking any opportunity she could to get as far away as possible from the uncomfortable presence Philip brought.

Hunter nodded eagerly at this proposal.

So she said a half-hearted goodbye to Philip with a sarcastic thanks tagged on for good measure before carrying Hunter to the car and plopping him down in his seat.

He was quick to spot Flapjack waiting patiently for him on the other seat and with a small, hushed gasp he snatched the bird and squeezed it in a big hug while Evelyn helped him with his seat belt.

"I thought you'd be desperate to see him again after being apart for so long. I know Flapjack missed you." Evelyn chuckled.

"I missed you too Flapjack, lots and lots. I know you don't like Uncle Philip's house though."

Evelyn's interest was piqued. "Oh? Does he not?"

"Mmm, no. He thinks it's scary."

After clipping his seat belt in place, Evelyn shut the door behind her and went around to get into her own seat. "Why does he think it's scary?"

"I don't know," He shrugged, "But I didn't want to make him go, even if I really wanted him to come with me."

Evelyn hummed in thought as she started up the car.

That conversation played over in her mind again and again as she periodically checked the rearview mirror to see Hunter staring blankly at the back of the chair, eyes glazed over. Zoned out again.

For the next few days, it was just the two of them in the house while Caleb finished up his business trip which gave Evelyn and Hunter the opportunity for some quality time to spend together.

And oh did they spend a lot of quality time together. He practically didn't leave her side the whole time, somehow managing to be even more clingy than he'd ever been before.

Even more clingy than he'd been before going to Philip's.

That was another thought she kept in mind.

One thing she was particularly thankful for, especially right now, was that her job made it relatively easy to work from home, meaning she could spend some more time with Hunter.

And also so she could keep a proper eye on him, now determined to get to the bottom of what was going on.

Owning a small Wiccan shop in the town meant she could afford some time working from home: answering emails and managing finances from her living room. Her coworkers were generally all very understanding people and she'd already let them know about her husband's new job and new need to travel more and they'd been fine allowing her to work away from the store some days so she could take care of her son, especially over school holidays.

But even though she was working from home, no more than a room away from him, Hunter was still getting anxious unless he was clinging to her side, and she meant that literally. He spent every hour of every day clutching the fabric of her sleeves tight in his little fists or sitting up on her knee to hug her or asking to be held and carried around like a toddler.

It could have even been cute if not so utterly unusual. What had happened to her adventurous little boy?

On one particular occasion, while she'd been responding to emails with Hunter sat in her lap, she caught him zoning out again like he'd been doing back in the car.

She'd noticed him doing this a lot more frequently, especially over the past few days and it wasn't the typical sort of zoning out that everyone did every now and again. No, he was completely out of it, staring off into space, and even when Evelyn would manage to snap him out of it, he'd still seem dazed and confused.

She paused her work and sat back a little in the chair to get a proper look at him. An experimental wave in front of his face saw no reaction.

"Hunter? Can you look at me?" She tested.

He showed no reaction, still just staring blankly somewhere to the right.


Before she could finish repeating herself, he blinked slowly and snapped his head around to look at her.

"Everything alright?" She asked.

He observed her for a moment and then looked around the room as if he'd just woken up and was having to recall his surroundings again.


"You've just seemed quite different lately," She explained, "I worry about you."

A small frightened look passed through his expression for a brief moment before he covered it up. "Sorry."

"Oh— There's no need to apologise! It's alright. I just want to know if there's anything wrong so I can help fix it. I don't want you to have to be upset all on your own."

"I'm okay. You don't want to worry." He replied, avoiding looking her in the eye.

She decided to take a shot in the dark, just to see. "Is it something to do with Uncle Philip?"

The slight hesitation before he chose to shake his head made her stomach do flips. She felt sick. 

"Are you sure?" She pushed.

His eyes met hers for a brief moment but when he couldn't seem to keep them there when he replied. "Mhm."

Still not entirely convinced, Evelyn kept going. "You know you can come and tell me at any time if there's anything wrong, right? Even if it has something to do with Uncle Philip."

He nodded and then buried his face in her shirt before she had the chance to get a proper look at his expression. She had a feeling that he was aware it would give him away.

"Okay, baby." She said hesitantly, "Just making sure."

Premature MetamorphosisOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora