Disk 01: Chapter 28: Dinner With Dio

Start from the beginning

"Do you know who this man was?" Vincent asked.

"Yes, of course... Everyone knows who this man is. He..." The shopkeeper paused, glanced around nervously, then whispered "Dio."

"Dio!? The damned Gold-Saucer guy!?" Barrett shouted loudly.

"Keep your voice down!" The man exclaimed. "Yes, that's the guy."

"Sounds like we're headin' back to the saucer." Cloud said. "Let's move..."


Soon after, we were riding the gondola from North Corel to the Amusement park. "I just hope we can even get to this Dio." Cid said.

Tifa explained "We have an opening, maybe. Cloud had to compete in a Chocobo race last time we were here. We're gonna talk to Esther, the jockey agent, see if she can help us."

I stood with Aerith, looking out over the desert far below. "It's really kind of beautiful from up here." She said. "Not at all what it's like when you're actually down there in it."

"Yeah." I agreed. "Though, I suppose even in close up there's a beauty in it to creatures who can survive there."

Smiling, Aerith replied "True... And I expect my impressions are kind of skewed from experiencing it in the middle of a prison..." We both laughed.

As the gondola pulled into the upper station it's motor began to smoke and spark. The operator rushed us out into the lobby, then ran back in with a fire extinguisher. He emerged a few minutes later. "Sorry about that folks. Looks like the gondola's down for awhile."

"How long is 'awhile?'" Tifa asked.

"A couple days, three maybe."

"Suspicious." Vincent whispered.

"Nothing to do about it." I said. "Let's find Esther."

We entered the inner lobby and took the tube car down to the Chocobo square, and from there to the Jockey's locker room. Esther was already there when we arrived, and she greeted Cloud warmly. "Back for more racing?" she asked.

"Not exactly. I need to ask you a huge favor. We need to speak with Mr. Dio."

"Oh! Well... You understand that not just anyone can even ask for such a thing. I suppose maybe you aren't just anyone though are you? No promises, but I'll see what I can do." Esther stepped out, asking us to wait for her...


An hour later manservants led us into an elevator which ascended all the way to the very pinnacle of the saucer's central tower. Here we found Dio's penthouse apartment, lavishly furnished in exotic antiques and expensive artwork.

"Holy crud..." Yuffie whispered, and it occurred to me that you know things are over-the-top when they put awe into a princess.

We followed out guides into the main dining hall. The huge table could have seated fifty, and one entire wall of the room was a single frameless window looking out over the desert. Food was piled high, and Dio was waiting for us, seated at the head of the table. "Welcome to my home." He said. "Esther tells me you have something to discuss. Please, join me, we can talk business over lunch."

Everyone was soon seated. (Even Red managed to sit in the wide, heavily padded seats, and Cait left his moogle in a corner and also took a chair.) Vincent asked "I'm curious sir. What has gone wrong with the gondola?"

"Ahh, that's right. You all would've been in that car wouldn't you? Well, I've not gotten a certain answer back yet. My technicians are starting to suspect someone was tampering with things though. Not that I believe it, there's no reason for such an act."

"Perhaps." Vincent said.

"No matter, it can be fixed. That's what matters." Dio added.

Red asked "I'm surprised that you are not more concerned. After all, the gondola is the only way for paying customers to get in. Won't this harm your profits?"

"Not so much. After all, the only way in is also the only way out!" Dio laughed, popped another forkful of food into his mouth. After swallowing he continued "If it had happened when we were low on guests, or if it was going to last a week or more, then I'd worry... But enough of that! Tell me, why did you wish to speak with me?"

"Well sir..." Cloud started to say, but stopped short. I understood his caution. Though not really a bad guy, Dio was undeniably odd, and had to be dealt with carefully. Any request would need to be worded cautiously.

It was Aerith who spoke next. "Sir." she began. "We just left the weapon shop north of Gongaga. We were told that you purchased an ancient Cetra relic. Is that true?"

"Oh, indeed it is! A wonderful acquisition! It's on display in the Battle Square Museum now. Why are you asking?"

"Careful..." I thought to her. "Rufus may already have contacted him."

"Might as well be as honest as possible." She replied. To Dio Aerith said "We think the relic is a keystone that will open up a Cetra temple that's been sealed for centuries. There's something very important inside that temple that we need to acquire..."

"What would it take for you to lend us the keystone?" Vincent said.

"We will return it, of course." Red added.

Dio leaned back in his seat. "Hmmm...." He mused. "Well, I do think that I could trust you. I've little doubt that you really would return the relic unharmed... And frankly I kind of like the idea of my property aiding in opening up a long-forgotten ruin, if only for the possibility of finding some kind of priceless treasures inside..."

"Any treasure we find, aside from the one thing we're after or something dangerous, is yours if you help us." Aerith said.

Dio smiled. "Thank you young lady. That certainly sweetens the pot..."

"Then you'll help us? You'll let us borrow the Keystone?" Cloud asked.

"Well, I'd like to. But there's another issue."

"What? You still don't trust us!?" Barrett asked. "Look, why don't you jus' come wit us? That way you'd know your stuff was safe."

"That too is tempting." Dio answered. "But my place is here with my park. No, my issue isn't that. It's more of a style thing."

"A 'style thing'? Yuffie asked.

"Oh I get it." I said. "It's like the chocobo race to get out of prison thing. We'll have to do something entertaining in order to get the Keystone, right?"

"Precisely." Dio replied. He held up his hands. "No worries now, it's not another race, and as before I'm happy to settle for just one of you handing the challenge for the whole group."

"And what is the challenge?" Tifa asked skeptically.

"Battle Square!" Dio announced happily. "I'll arrange the best competitors just for you! And, to show I'm a fair man you don't even have to win, just compete."

"I guess there's no choice." Cloud said nodding. "When do we do it?"

"I'll need a bit to arrange things. Be at the arena at seven this evening."

"I'll be there." Cloud answered...

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