Chapter 11; Screw the King

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"Make way for Théoden! Make way for the King!" A guard on the walls shouted and the gate to Helm's Deep opened with a loud creaking.

"So few!" Éowin gasps as she sees what was left of the riders. "So few of you have returned!"

"Our people are safe. We have paid for it with my many lives." Théoden announces with sadness.

"My lady..." Gimli addresses the shieldmaiden.

"Lord Aragorn, where is he?"

"He fell..." Gilan felt the grief that rolled off her in waves as her heart skipped a beat.

"Draw all our forces behind the wall. Bar the gate, and set a watch on the surround."

"What of those who cannot fight my lord? The women and children?"

"Get them into the caves. Saruman's arm would have grown long indeed if he thinks he can reach us here." Theodén decided and then turned to the three that just got off their horses. "You better go with them." He said and they froze.

"I'm sorry?" Gilan said, not quite believing his ears.

"Go with them to safety."

"There's no need for that." Gimli says in a hurry when he sees anger twist Gilan's and Legolas' faces. "He is one of the greatest warriors I had the honor to fight alongside with."

"He willingly gave up his height advantage in the fight today. I do not trust a man who'd do such a suicidal act."

"Is there even a scratch on him? A bruise?" Legolas' voice shook with restraint, earning him a curious head tilt from Gilan.

"Pure luck-" Legolas' heartbeat picked up and Gilan laid his hand on the elf's shoulder, stopping him.

"King Théoden," He refused to call him 'My king'. "Gandalf advised me to give you a chance under the impression that you are not like your father. And here you stand, proving him wrong. Apple truly does not fall far from the tree. My inability to see the way you do does not mean I cannot see at all. In fact..." Gilan lifted his head up. "Those two women are bringing an ointment made from sage, primrose and athelas for the wounded. Can you tell that with your eyes?" Théoden looks down the street and does indeed see two middle aged women approaching them with wooden bowls in their hands and bandages in their pockets. "I will fight. If not for you then for my friends, for I do not trust you to watch their back." Ice crept into Gilan's voice and then headed further into the city, leading Lady to the stables, not needing to ask for directions. Legolas and Gimli followed without hesitation.

"Why is he like that?" Spat out Legolas, angry scowl on his face.

"Humans tend to be a bit ableist. But he is nothing compared to my parents." That received him curious glances. "I was born in Edoras. Already blind but the people couldn't tell. I didn't know that the way I saw wasn't normal, I compensated fine." He started, patting Lady's neck. "Only when my mother noticed my eyes didn't track movement did she take me to see a healer. I was seven, I think. They tried everything. Drops, balms, prayers... All the time I didn't know why. I felt alright, there was no immediate danger to my health. Then once I was playing with Éomer and other kids I tripped over a cat and stumbled into a pile of wooden planks, making them fall and making a bit of a mess but nothing as serious as some of the accidents other kids caused." Gilan shrugged, grabbing a brush and sliding it over Lady's coat. "But being the blind kid, I was immediately flagged as the danger to the city and soon every accident was being blamed on me. 'The kid stood too close', 'He led the other kids there into danger', 'He should just stay home', 'He shouldn't play with the good kids'. And they went on and on and one day my parents just exploded. Led me out of the city and told me not to come back." Gilan heard the hearts of his companions skip a beat.

Out of Sight, Out of Mind//LegolasTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang