Disk 01: Chapter 22: Love and Rocket(s) Town

Start from the beginning

Shera flinched back but said "We don't know for certain... The Captain though, he thinks Rufus is planning to reinstate the space program. Or at least he's hoping such. That's where you'll have to go to find him... He out working on number twenty-six again. He's so sure the rocket can be repaired..."

"We've gotta go all the way back out there?" Yuffie exclaimed.

"Sounds like." Cloud said. "Let's go everyone." He turned to Shera. "Thank you miss."


We found Cid just where a player of the game would expect: busily working on his rocket. When we entered the rocket he turned and swore. "Who're you!? What the hell'r you doin' in my rocket!? This is private damned property!"

"We mean no intrusion." Vincent said calmly. "We are seeking Captain Highwind. Are you him?"

"Hell yes I'm Cid Highwind! Who wants to know an' why?"

"We were hoping to hire your services Captain." I said. "We need a way to continue following a dangerous man beyond Rocket Town, and your plane is our best bet."

"We can pay." Aerith added.

Cid rubbed his chin. "Well little lady, the promise 'O money does help. But I can't leave jus' yet. I'm expecting good news you see, and I wanna be here in town for it."

"Da world's at risk!" Barrett shouted. "We can't wait!"

"My rocket's at risk! I can't wait!" Cid shouted back. He and Barrett began loudly cursing each other and were on the verge of a fight when Cloud, Vincent, and Cait forcibly pulled Barrett back.

"Can you give us just a moment?" I said to Cid, then turned and joined the others. "Look, Barrett..." I said. "I don't like it either. But think of it this way: If we wait we can listen in, find out what Rufus is really after. Maybe we'll get a hint about Sephiroth."


We turned back to Cid. "Sorry about this." Aerith said. "We can wait."

"Alright then. Guess I got too worked up too." Cid answered. "It's just... You can't know what this means to me... I woulda been the first man in space you know. If it weren't for dat Shera anyways... Look, go back to my place, have Shera fix you some tea... I'll be there shortly, and after I meet with Rufus, we'll work somethin' out."

"Sounds good." Cloud agreed. "Let's go everyone."


Back at Cid's, we were welcomed into the kitchen by Shera. Cid barged in mere minutes after us, cursing and ordering Shera to make tea. He headed down the back hallway still cussing loudly. "Why do you put up with that!?" Yuffie demanded.

"It's not so bad..." Shera said. "You get used to it after awhile. And of course it's really my fault that the final launch attempt failed."

"Cid said something like that at the rocket." Cait said. "How was it your fault?"

Shera placed a tea kettle on the stove, then sat and told us her story, which was identical to the story given in the game. When she finally finished, Tifa said "Forgive me but I don't see any fault here."

"Yes. It sounds to me like you may well have saved Captain Highwind's life." Red agreed.

Just then, Cid burst back into the kitchen. "What the damned hell woman! They still don't have any tea? Fix the damned tea already!" He plopped down hard into the chair Shera had abruptly vacated.

Yuffie leaned in close to the rest of us and whispered "I say we kick his butt. Who's with me?"

"Don't tempt us." I whispered back.

I Never Let Her Die! (Aerith x Male Gamer Reader)Where stories live. Discover now