Chapter XLII : Lower 7 & Lower 8

Comincia dall'inizio

Makomo and I muttered in unison as we lunged at the two with Makomo handling Suma while I took care of Makio.

Then our blades clashed as I circled around her aiming to severe her limbs to make her defenseless while the lion - like flames engulfed us making the other two unable to see what's going on.

And as I fought against Makio with our blades clashing and deflecting one another I managed to land my blade on her neck while she stepped on my knees using it to push herself away from me.

As she flipped thrice in the air while landing on her feet I saw that her neck is bleeding with a deep cut but not enough to behead her because her head is still on her neck.

"So this is what a Hashira can do,apart from that girl who barely survived our attacks you're by far the strongest.

Suma,tell Hinatsuru that our competition is right here.

You can let that girl go."

Makio remarked with a confident look while turning her head at Suma and Makomo as I glanced at the two.

And to my surprise Suma managed to corner her as she used every bit of her strength to keep Suma from slicing her neck.

"But I'm close to killing this girl."

Suma whined and I took the chance to save Makomo while they're both distracted as I took a deep breath and gazed at the two.

"Sun Breathing : Second Form Improved : Dancing Flash."

I muttered speeding up towards the two as I instantly severed Suma's limbs and legs while I kicked her away sending her crashing at Makio.

Then I stood protectively in front of Makomo as I held my sword up front not taking my eyes off of them.

"Go find Nezuko and see if you can help Gyutaro and Ume against the Upper Eighth.

I'll take care of them."

I answered as I watched them stand with Suma having trouble recovering from her wounds with her expressions showing burnt pains while Makio gritted seemed to have gotten the clue of getting serious.

"But what about you?I can't just leave you here."

Makomo reasoned while I grumbled as I observed the two patiently waiting for something which means they've already called Hinatsuru to be on her way here.

Then in a blink of an eye I quickly turned around grabbing Makomo by the shoulders as I sprinted in a hypersonic speed and I threw her out of the hollow cave through the hole I made while she only managed to realise what was happening when she's already out of the hole and I destroyed the hole with no way of finding it.

And with the right timing Hinatsuru had already arrived as she tried to knee me on the right chest if I hadn't blocked it with my arms but the sheer force still pushed me away while I braced myself to lessen the damages on me.

They're watching so keep fighting me until I wore myself down.

I communicated telepathically while glancing at the crow hidden in the shadows and I can tell that this isn't Kiriya's because only the Hashiras are allowed to have their crows wear some noticeable features on them so this one must either be Gyutaro's or Ume's.

Then I gripped my sword while gazing observantly at the trio as I took a deep breath to maintain my body with adrenaline purely running throughout my entire body fuelling my stamina and endurance even more.

But before I could even make a move Hinatsuru had already charged at me head on with her powers activated.

"Blood Demon Art : Illusionary Shadows."

Hinatsuru answered as she rushed at me with few figures emerging from the shadows behind her while I got confused on which of them are the original.

Then as the clone in front of me jumped to stab the knife on my head the others are already advancing on me while I'm distracted.

And what's worse is that even Makio and Suma are also heading me with a bunch of clones behind them as I secretly grinned while I took a deep breath and narrowly avoided one of the clones' attack.

As I backflipped twice to land on my feet I crouched down while taking a deep breath to raise my temperature and for me to avoid them from sensing my presence I thought of nothing and even held my emotions in.

With both of this abilities now in my current control I'm starting to see more clearly through them as I've entered the transparent world while I can feel a burning pain on my b/p (body part) which means I've finally unlocked the slayer mark.

"Total Concentration Breathing.

Combined Breathing : Wisteria Breathing Thirteenth Form Deadly Eye Basket of Poison ; Hell Breathing Sixth Form Silent Death."

I muttered as I sprinted in blinding speed towards the trio while easily beheading their clones leaving the original ones to remain and I severed their heads in an instant killing them.

But that was soon short lived when the ones I've killed are also clones but with my current abilities they're not gonna get away that easily as I've already saw them jump away and hide in the shadows while I exhaled deeply.

Then I made a stance as I prepared to deliver another strike and this time I'll be borrowing Tanjiro's technique that he mixed it with some kind of a thunder breathing style.

Demon Slayer Headcanon

* the BDA that Tengen's wives are using are based off on their ninja abilities while skill are what they currently use

* Y/N were experimenting on the Transparent World,the Selfless State and the Slayer Mark to see how long she can last which allowed her to have the slayer mark

* Y/N's slayer mark is a black flame that mostly burns in her back and this will stay permanent on her now because of her being a demon

* Hinatsuru never fought against Nezuko and Tanjiro because she's been patiently for Suma and Makio to come so during her wait Tanjiro were trying to heal himself from the kunai knives she threw at him while Nezuko were helping him remove the knives from his body

* Suma,Makio and Hinatsuru's personalities and behaviours are the evil opposites of themselves

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