Pennywise x Reader ft. Killer Klowns

Start from the beginning

I exchanged glances between the clown and Penny, who had seemed to be lost in one of his predatory trances. I gave up on trying to get his attention and watched the show with unease. More clowns stepped into the circle and began doing various old school tricks.

    They were all dressed as clowns but they looked like something out of a horror movie, extremely cartoony and warped. Almost all of the parents left the show with their kids, not aware of how odd and terrifying the clowns looked. I wouldn't blame them, they were making me uncomfortable as well. I swore I heard a baby cry out in shock, but their parents soon left the show with the child.

"Penny," I tried to talk to him again while keeping my eyes to the performance, "what are they doing here?"

  I looked at Pennywise and saw that he had grown back to his original, unusually tall height. His breathing was shallow and mouth slightly agape to show off his sharp teeth beginning to form. He shook off his murderous look and Penny turned his head to look down at me, he practically hovered over me now.

"They're like spiders, Y/N," he explained.

He hugged me tightly, probably to make sure I still smelled like him or had his scent on me or some shit, before letting go and crouching down.

"Stay here, doll," he ordered, "I need to go do... something."

  He laughed to himself as he crawled off the back of the bleachers like a spider, out of sight from any of the people. He looked goofy and I almost laughed at him before reminding myself that I needed to stay focused on the show incase something were to happen.

I sat there nervously. I had gathered that these cartoony clowns were dangerous of course... somehow, and that meant everyone else was in danger. Penny said they were like spiders, I tried to watch for any behavior that would resemble one. I'd get kicked out if I started screaming or wrecking havoc so I sat and watched.

  The odd clowns finally got near the end of their performance and asked for one volunteer before they asked for any other people to come up as well. A man, who looked to be in his forties, was picked. He happily walked up to the center, the closer he got the more nervous the man looked beside these terrifying clowns.

"Now pay attention everyone!"

The clown pulled out a wonky, colorful looking gun and pointed it at the volunteer. He then shot the gun and the man was suddenly cacooned in cotton candy (is that how it works??), onlookers gasped in amazement. Something was off...

  Cacooned victims? Much like spiders do to bugs. Spiders eat bugs... spiders mainly... suck their blood. My face paled. The clowns were like bloodsuckers or vampires. Clown leeches. That man was already a goner and everyone thought it was the act! Out of instinct, I pushed away my social anxiety and screamed a sentence at the top of my longs.


  I yelled so loudly I think I nearly gave the people below me a heart attack. Everyone was sent into pandemonium as it became everyone's goal to run out of the tent. I was glad almost all of the children were gone so they wouldn't have to be present for this or get cacooned themself.

  One of the clowns saw that I was the cause of the chaos and shouted at me, ordering for one of the clowns to go retrieve me.


  My eyes widened at the clown approaching, but it was having trouble reaching the top of the bleachers. It was almost humorous. I mentally thanked Penny for telling us to sit up here, hoping he would here my pleas from my mind.

"Come on, little one," the clown cooed as it approached me, "we're not gonna hurt you~"

"Yeah, right," I scoffed and threw my popcorn at it, the clown was only halfway to me.

  Some people weren't lucky enough to escape the tent in time and were caught by the clowns who cacooned them with cotton candy. I ran across the bleachers, wondering where the hell Penny was.

"Where are the rest of them?!" I heard the ringmaster clown exclaim in anger, "there can't only be four of us!"

  My mind went to Penny. Of course! Penny probably killed the others and would soon come out to kill the last four. I ran down the bleachers, hopefully finding a way to escape the tent and let Penny finish them off. I grinned, but my glee was short lived when I bumped into one of the ugly leeche clowns.


It grabbed me and was about to move me closer to the circle near the ringmaster until the clown jumped away in disgust.

"YUCK!" It exclaimed, catching the attention of the other clowns, "this one isn't human!"

  Pennywise. Thanks to Penny I didn't get cacooned instantly, or this clown didn't have its own cotton candy gun. The ringmaster stomped towards me, smelling me from afar with a disgusted and nervous face.

"There's absolutely no possible way," it's face was all scrunched up in disgust, "this is obviously one of the humans... but smells of the inferior race..."

  I tried to run but one of them caught me by the arm. I was about to full on attack the clown until I felt a familiar presence behind the ugly clown holding me.

"I wouldn't call my race inferior if I were you."

  Pennywise towered over the clown with all of his sharp teeth showing, his face twisting into a wide smile stretching out wider than his very face. Dark claws were growing out of his gloves and he appeared to get taller, hunching over the cartoony clown. Pennywise was dripping with blood (if the killer clowns bleed red blood?? If not than image something different) and peculiar looking flesh was in his jaw. He looked crazed.

"Your kind shouldn't be here," Pennywise's voice sounded distorted, "I own Derry."

  The clown holding me let his hands fall limp to his side, Penny gingerly pulled me behind him with his clawed hand, making sure not to scratch me. After pushing me behind him I backed up a considerable distance to watch whatever would happen next.

  With an ungodly screech I had to cover my ears from hearing, he lunged at the clowns and began attacking them. Their guns useless against his alien-like entity. I pulled a knife out of one of the wooden boards used by the clowns during the show and rushed over to the cacooned people to reside them before it was too late.

  Once I cut them out they fell to the ground unconscious but still alive. After I got to the last one and cut them out I turned to watch as Penny cornered the last clown.

"This is my territory," he snarled with a laugh, "my planet."

  The clown dropped his gun, his dead clown friends surrounding him.

"If you ever, EVER come here again I will personally find the rest of your kind and erase your existence," Penny roared at the clown before pushing him to the side, the clown scrambled off and made way for his spacecraft to leave earth.

  Pennywise laughed uncontrollably as I approached him.

"I guess there really is only room for one alien clown on this planet," I joked to Pennywise who had stopped laughing and eyed me.

  Pennywise was now back to his calm state and pulled out a new bag of popcorn.

"You threw yours so here's a new one, doll."

  I took the popcorn from him with a smile and ate a few pieces before turning to look at the mess of slaughtered clowns. Penny knew what I was thinking and so he immediately got to work to finish off the rest of the clowns with a wild smile. Leaving no trace of them. It would be odd to explain to the police what happened but we'd figure it out.

We always did.


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