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"I'm Shay and i'm a good attorney because imma keep it a b witchu" I said.

"It's a Jury bae not attorney" Fanum whispered

"OH I'm a good JURY because imma keep it a b witchu" i said and sat down.

Then Agent walked in sat at his judge bench.

"Today in court we have a girl to see how if it betters the different perspectives" Agent said.

"The couple may now enter the room" he said as I stood up.

"Get tf up" I whispered loudly at the boys sitting down. They quickly got up.

"You can now sit" Agent said.

"Let's begin" he said and cleared his throat.

Fanum laughed I looked at him.

"My bad my bad" he said.

"Your name" Agent said and pointed at the guy.

"Demetrius" he said.

"Dayum" I said and me and Fanum started laughing.

"What's funny" Demetrius said in a tone.

"Your name nigga" I said and looked at him and stood up.

"Yo yo yo" Kai and Duke said as Fanum forced me to sit back down.

"Yeah you aint laughing at me" he scoffed.

"Yo judge check ya mans for I hurt his ass and we end up in a real courthouse" I said and sat back. As the guys "ooo'd" in the back instigating.

"These niggas can never be serious" Duke said and shook his head.

"Everybody shut up" Agent said as he hit his gavel on the mallet. Everybody equally shutted on up.

"Now what's your name" he said and pointed at the lady.

"Miyah" she said.

"Put your right hand up" Jon said.

"Repeat after me. I promise, to tell nothing but the truth, and if i lie today, i will get the beating of my life" Jon said as they repeat.

"Alright so Miyah explain why you are here today" he said.

"So we don't talk as often as we used to. We don't even say goodnight or goodmorning no more. The only conversations we have are arguments and he stays lying" Miyah stated.

"Your honor she's lying" Demetrius tried to bud in but was stopped.

"So, how long has this been lasting." Agent said.

"Maybe 10-12 months into marriage" she said.

"Damn" Fanum said.

"Nigga stop it" I said trying not to laugh.

"All jokes aside though. 10-12 months my nigga?!" I said giving Demetrius a wtf look.

"First of all, she's lying. I do nothing but talk to her 25/8. We're steady arguing because she thinks i'm cheating when i'm not and she think i'm lying about that" he said.

"Its only 24 hours in a day and 7 days in a week cut that shit" Miyah said.

"Miyah why do you feel that way" Agent asked.

"Because working 9 to 5's dont take the whole day. I get coming home late and shit like that once maybe twice a week but it should never be an everyday thing. THEN he claims to "work" on the weekends then 'doesn't have service on his phone at work' but every other day he does." she said.

"Oh girl he's definitely cheating. And lemme tell you why. I don't care what anybody tells you nobody works on the weekends. Sure take sum shifts but it's not gone last the whole weekend." I said.

"I agree, how can you lose service on your phone during weekend shift but not Monday to Friday shifts?" Duke said.

"Exactlyyy" I said a dapped up Duke.

"So look I been putting in hours for some more money i'm trying to hustle. But how imma do that when she tryna know what i'm doin every 30 minutes" Demetrius said.

"Why do we need extra money when we got it all? We got a 4 br house, 3 cars, everythings paid off. We're financially stable" Miyah said.

"MMM" I hummed and shook my head.

"I only worry about you every 3 maybe 4 hours because you don't tell me how shits going" she said.

"Okay Miyah do you seem to have any other reason to think why he's cheating" Agent said.

"Yes I actually do. Your honor I've had multiple friends tell me that Demetrius has been in their dm's not once but TWICE." she said.

"NAHH" me and the boys said.

"Estoy tratando de decirte que no confíes niggas" I said.

"Your honor she's lying i've never hit up any of her friends under no circumstances" Demetrius said.

"I actually have screenshots" she said.

"Can I see them" Agent said and she showed him.

"Mm these look pretty real to me" he said.

"Maybe I hit a few friends up but that's when we were on our ups and downs" Demetrius said.

"Bro what yall supposed to be in a committed relationship" Duke said.

"We are" Demetrius said.

"So explain why you was in Miami 3 days ago with another bitch?" Miyah said.

"WTF" I said.

"BROOO" Duke said.

"DAMN" Fanum said.

"NAHH" Kai said.

Chris shook his head.

"Damn shame" Davis said.

"Man i'm not gone lie I was in Miami WITH another bitch. Whole time them weekends I been with her. Them days I worked late soon turned into nights. The love we had aint even there no more" Demetrius said.

"So you been lyin to me when all I wanted you to do was tell the truth?" Miyah said.

"It's cool tho because you know your homeboy Aaron, yeah tell him he got a baby otw" she said

"HELL NAH pack this shit up" I said got up and left.

"Ong you lost me" Fanum said and followed me.

"Case closed" Agent said.

Demetrius and Miyah both walked out.

"At the end of the day I knew what was going on. Too bad i'm on his homeboy real bad" Miyah said to the camera.

"Bitches aint shit goodnight" Demetrius said at the camera

"Man wtf just happened" I said at the camera


Hope this was entertaining 😂😂

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