"Nwooo!!" Her voice broke into wails.

   Asher ignored her cries and continued to strap her in. She kicked and pulled but to no avail, she was still strapped in. At that point, her cries became gagging as she choked on her sobs.

"Taylor you need to calm down your gonna make yourself sick." He urged, handing her the sippy cup of juice and encouraging her to drink.

  Taylor just set the drink in her lap, not wanting the extra calories. Asher knew pushing it would make her even more upset so he just handed Taylor her paci and Ducky and began to drive the car.

  The motion of the car seemed to have eased Taylor enough to the point where she could put her 'wubby' in her mouth and try to relax. At first, the idea of a pacifier disgusted Taylor, but since she just sucked on her thumb anyway the pacifier was more convenient.

   Asher remembered that Taylor loved One Direction music so he began the play a random song of There's

  Let me be the one to
  Light a fire inside those eyes
  You've been looking lonely
  You don't even know me
  But I can feel you crying
  Let me be the one to
  Lift your heart up
  And save your life
  I don't think you even realize
  Baby you'd be saving mine🎶

  He couldn't help but laugh at the obvious smiles from Taylor as she listened to the song.

  After about 15minutes Asher parked his car in the student parking located right outside the campus and exited his car. He opened the door to Taylor's seat and gave her a quick reminder before he let her out.

  "Okay, princess I know this is your first time being little around people and it can be a bit scary, but you need to stay in your headspace. No one will judge you, there are other littles in the school that I've worked with as well so don't worry. I do want you to stay by my side the whole time, absolutely no running off." He lectured.

Taylor lightly nodded, taking her wubby out of her mouth and setting it in the car seat cup holder.

Asher furrowed his eyebrows, "baby it's okay if you want you pacifier, no ones gonna judge you". She reassured unbuckling and lifting her out of the car seat. He engulfed her small hand his his large one, slug the diaper bag over his shoulder and began to walk towards the building. Asher felt more comfortable carrying Taylor, but since it is her first time being little in public he was trying to cut her a little slack.

Taylor walked wobbly and awkward, occasionally pulling down her shirt to cover the diaper peeking out of her pants. Her heart was racing and hands her shaking like crazy. Taylor was never scared coming to school, so this new switch confused her.

   Taylor squeezed Asher's hand as they entered the campus. Kids sitting on the benches and standing in there little circles. Asher's occasional wave or quick hey as Taylor held her head low in hopes no one would see her.

  She let out a sigh of relief when they arrived at the attendance office. Sure there was people but at least no judgmental teens. 

   "Hey Cathy!" Asher greeted the lady at the front desk.

   "Oh hello Asher!! Glad to see you ba-" Cathy stopped when her eyes were met with the anxious Taylor's, standing close the Asher with her thumb in her mouth. "Aww, well hi sweetie pie. How have you been?" She cooed

  Taylor looked at the floor and scooted even closer to Asher. He chuckled and put his hand behind her back "sorry, she's just getting used to being little in public so she's a little clingy right know."

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