Chapter 3: Teaser and Sylvia

Start from the beginning

Mordain gained a look of disgust on his face as the video finished, remembering what Kezess did and how horrible it all was.

Virion stood from his seat suddenly, his aura leaking out of him as his body trembled with rage. "Elenoir got destroyed?" He asked, his voice barely a whisper.

"Yes, Kezess Indrath ordered the destruction of Elenoir to send a message." The Librarian confirmed, feeling bad for the old elf. Virion didn't deserve any of this.

"I see..." He mumbled, and sat back down.

Kezess Indrath spoke up, "This 'Grey' can manipulate Aether? Why is it I have not heard of this yet?" He asked the Asura around him.

"He even plans our downfall, didn't you hear his last sentence? Yet he still roams the continents, alive."

Of course Kezess would want to be alerted if somebody could manipulate Aether, especially if they weren't a dragon. He wanted to gain the knowledge of it and use it to better himself while keeping the image of a benevolent leader. He also wanted to get rid of the threat as soon as possible.

"Calm yourself, stupid dragon. Grey couldn't manipulate aether until recently, and you will be reacting to that after this one. The outer gods will get impatient if you keep acting like a little bitch." The Librarian insulted him, trying to get a move on.

Caera could only marvel at the new knowledge she gained from this. She had been trying to figure out more about Grey, and now she had a chance to do so.

Regis spoke in Grey's mind. 'Look, princess! It's me! Don't I just look so majestic?'

'Sure, Regis, you do.' Grey could only accept whatever Regis was spouting in hopes of him shutting up.

"Are we all just going to ignore the beeping noises when Grey thought about stuff? What's that about, Librarian?" Agrona's eyes narrowed on The Librarian, wondering why he and everybody else got denied information. He was a scientist, he wanted to experiment on Grey and use him against the Asuras, now more than ever. He was always seeking knowledge.

"Because that would be considered spoilers to the people of Dicathen and others who also don't know the truth. If you haven't noticed, the Dicathians aren't from your timeline exactly."

Agrona stayed silent, finding this somewhat amusing.

"Now, lets get into the actual reactions, shall we? If you have something to say, say it and the video will pause for you to speak. This is a reactions story, after all. This one is in Arthur's point of view."


The voice had failed to warn me that I was going to be doing a vertical fall.

'I guess that was why she mentioned using mana to me' was the thought that ran through my head as I descended, screaming at the top of my four-year-old lungs.

"When was this?" Lady Myre was the one who asked this.

"I think it was when Arthur fell off the cliff when we were headed to Xyrus, right?" Reynolds asked, it being confirmed when The Librarian nodded his head. "Yup."

"He fell off a cliff?" Caera asked in disbelief. She knew he was a lance and extremely powerful during the war, but falling off a cliff at four years old? Unheard of.

"Yes, we were under attack from bandits. And weren't you the girl with Grey in the teaser? Caera, right?" Alice answered this time, now inspecting Caera.

"Yes, I was with Grey in the relictombs."

"Okay, enough chatter!" The Librarian said, and silence ensued as the video played.

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