Twelve- Endgame

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Getting into the Arena was really easy. The three of them just walked in. They went to the main arena on a balcony. Looking down at the stage bellow. It was lit up brightly. Amon rose from the stage. The people began to cheer for him and Gya wanted to puke. "Hello everyone and thank you for joining me today. When I was a boy my family was struck down by a firebender and left me scared. I've been searching for equality for all non benders since that day." Gya and Korra nodded to each other. "That's a lie Amon!" Korra called down, when he looked up at them they all took of their masks. "Or should I call you Noatak?" The crowd began to grow restless. But Amon just put up a calm hand. "Everyone calm down. Let's hear what the avatar has to say." Korra looked at Gya who just nodded reassuring. "Amon is not who you think. He uses blood bending to take others bending away. Amon is a water bender." Amon chuckled loudly. "That's an amusing story." He said, seeming unfazed by her words. "Not only that but his father is Yakone. And his brother is councilman Tarrlok." The people gasped and looked at Amon. "Those are some imaginative lies Avatar. But I will show you the truth." He reached up and grabbed his mask. Untying the back and pulling it off. A giant scar ran down his face. Part of his mouth twisted up. Exposing his teeth and gums. "This is what a firebender did to me!" He called to the crowd. They all glared at Korra. "They don't believe me." She said sadly, and Gya put a hand on her shoulder. "We need to leave." Chi blocker surrounded them from all sides. "I wouldn't leave just yet Avatar. You too young airbender. You'll miss the main event." Gya looked back at Amon when he spoke. Another platform began to rise. And what she saw made her world fall around her. Her father and siblings gagged and tied up on the stage. "No!" She screamed, running to jump off the balcony. Mako caught her in time, holding her back. "You bastard!" She yelled, her vocal chords straining. She kicked and punched at Mako but her wouldn't let her go. She felt her anger bubbling over. Her sisters and brother looking up at her with wide eyes. "Tonight I'll rid the world of airbending forever!" Gya snarled, getting out of Mako's grip. "Let them go!" Gya yelled at him, he looked up at her. "Come and get them." Korra started to walk forward but Mako stopped her. "He's trying to bait you!" "I don't care we need to help them." Korra said, Amon turned on his heel. Approaching her family. Gya jumped up quickly. Sending a stream of air straight towards him. She landed on the stage. Korra and Mako close behind her. Gya and Mako held off the chi blockers while Korra released Gya's family. With a kick of air Gya sent the mustache man off the stage. Mako punched the other with fire. Amon dodge them when Tenzin ran up. Blasting Amon off the stage. Once the kids were released the group ran out a side door and down a hall. When they got to the end Gya turned to her father. "Take them and get out of here. We'll distract Amon." Her father nodded and patted the side of her head lovingly. "Be careful." Was all he said before running down the hall. The door behind them opened and Amon ran out. Korra sent a wave of flames towards him. Giving them enough time to run into a storage room. Quickly hiding. Gya climbed up on the small balconies inside the room. Hiding behind a covered box. Gya held her breath when the door opened. Footsteps echoed inside the room. At first she thought he'd just walk through. But she was wrong. She heard her friends in trouble and jumped down from the balcony she was on. About to attack when he looked at her. Stopping her mid air. She groaned, her limbs twisting in awkward positions. He forced Gya to lay next to Mako. Watching as he put Korra to her knees. "No!" Gya said, watching as Amon brought his thumb to her forehead. Korra's eyes went wide, and when Amon let go she fell to the ground. "I told you I'd destroy you." Amon said with a sinister laugh. "Now that your powerless taking over the city will be simple." Gya grunted, trying to move her limbs. "Amon." She heard a voice call out. It was the mustache guy. "Everything she said is true. I just saw you blood bend her!" Amon didn't say anything. The man pulled off his mask. Throwing it on the floor and stomping on it. "You traitor! I dedicated my life to you." The man pulled out his electric batons. Running at Amon, but Amon stopped him quickly. Lifting him in the air with blood bending. "You served me well Lieutenant." Was all he said before throwing the lieutenant into a wall. Amon then turned to Gya and Mako. Walking towards them. He forced Mako to his knees. Reaching down towards him. But suddenly Mako used his electricity. It sent Amon flying backwards into a wall. Wooden planks falling on top of him. His hold on the two benders falling away. Gya ran to Korra, helping her up. Mako grabbed Korra and carried her. Gya and Mako ran out the door down the hall. "Guys, my bending." Korra whispered, Gya clenched her jaw. "Everything is going to be ok. We just need to get out of he-" Mako was cut off by his body getting taken over. He stopped suddenly making Korra fly out of his arms. Mako was pulled back and before Gya could attack her body was frozen by Amon's blood bending. "Nobody's every gotten the better of me like that. It's almost sad to take somebody as powerful as you bending away." He stood over Mako, about to take his bending when Korra stood. Punching forward and sending a blast of air towards Amon. Gya watched in awe at the power. Korra Airbended, and her bending wasn't gone. "That's impossible!" Amon called and Gya laughed. Leaning against the walls for support. Korra started to send attack after attack at Amon. Forcing him against a wall. He lifted his hand, and force Korra to stop. But he couldn't hold her for long. She was able to break from his hold and send a kick of air. Making him fly through a window and into the ocean. The three friends stood by the window and looked down. The people started to yell at them. Angry about their leader. That was until he shot out of the water using water bending. His scar melting down his face. Gya smirked at him and he glared at Korra. He dropped into the water, swimming away. Korra leaned into Mako once Amon was gone. Gya stood there awkwardly. A sour taste building in her mouth.


They stood at the dock of air bending island. Gya with her family, hugging her mother and baby brother gently. "I'm so glad your okay." She muttered to her mom. He mom brushed her hair from her eyes. "Me too." A giant ship sailed by, and Gya noticed her uncle standing on the ship. Making weird bird calls? Gya felt a hand on her shoulder and turned to see Mako. He smiled at Gya and she glared at him. "What?" He asked and she pinched his side. Making him yowl loudly. "What did I do!?" He asked as she stormed away from him. He followed close behind her. "Gya-" he was cut off when she turned and slapped him. "You promised me you'd talk to Asami. You promised! I decided to over look it while the city was over taken but now that it's not I'm a pissed! Not only that but you've ignore Asami and have been a lovey dovey with Korra." Mako rubbed his face and frowned. "Why are you so angry about it. It's not like I was dating you." Gya scoffed and turned away from him. Starting to walk away again when he jumped in front of her. "Wait, I'm sorry. You're right, I did promise you. And I broke that promise, I'm sorry." Gya took a deep breath. Closing her eyes and counting to ten. "It's alright, I'm sorry too. For you know, slapping you." He smirked and placed a hand on her head. Ruffling her hair gently. "It's fine. That was one hell of a slap though." He rubbed his face tenderly.


The group had left to the South Pole in hopes Katara would be able to heal Korra. But they were disappointed. "I tried everything I could. I can not bring back Korra's bending." Katara said, Beifong stood up. "But you're the best healer there is, there has to be something you can do!" Gya put a hand on Beifong's shoulder. "She can still airbend. But her connection to the other elements have been severed." Katara said, Korra walked out of the room. "It's going to be ok Korra." Tenzin said to the girl but she shook her head. "No it's not." She walked out of the hut. Grabbing her jacket along the way. Mako followed after her. Gya sat down on the couch. When Mako came back he sat down next to her. She watched him for a moment before sighing. She placed a hand on his shoulder. "What are you doing here?" She asked and he looked at her confused. "Go find Korra, she needs you." He watched Gya for a moment longer before nodding. Standing up he left once again and Gya sighed. Her heart clenching painful at the thought of him being with her. But she knew it was for the best. She could never take the man her best friend loved. When they got back Korra had her bending back. And was able to restore Beifong's bending as well. Gya ran up to her and hugged her. "Have I ever told you I'm proud your my best friend?" Gya asked Korra who thought for a moment. "Hmmm no I don't think you have." Korra said with a smile. Gya laughed and hugged her tighter. "Well I am so proud to be your best friend."

Book 1: Air (Legend of Korra x oc)Where stories live. Discover now