chapter 2

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She wraps her arms around me for dear life this is not the first time Ive seen Tayla like this and I don’t like it, you see Tayla has depression and she hurts herself a lot and I don’t like it but then again I do It to sometimes dad isn’t always there for us when we need him the most we both love dad so much its just hard to see him run away from us just to do stuff for work but we have deal with it for a while now so I guess we are still used to it, it just hurts.

She still have her arms wrapped around me “why me?” said whispered with a single tear running down her face and her head on my chest

“I don’t know but everything will be fine,” I whispered back to her with a little grin on my face to try and cheer her up. She lest go of me and wipe the tear from her cheek.

“You better get some rest” Tayla said as she got up and left the room she always dose this and I never know why sometimes it worries me but I guess she gets all shy when these things happen to her.

Tayla’s POV

I get up and leave the room I felt all shy and worried about Amber because she always have to see it happening to me and I never seen it happen to her…yet. Sometimes I hurt people by kicking them of grabbing there hand to tight I never mean to do anything like that but sometimes it just happens.

I walk into my room and lay down one my bed and I began to cry and thinking to myself why me? Its always me I cant live like this any more the only reason I'm still here is because of my sister she is everything to me can I cant live without her. I here a knock on the door I wipe the tears from my eyes and I see Amber standing there

“Can I have some help with my homework?” asked Amber with her sweet but demanding voice “um… yeah sure” I said I stood up and walked into the study were all her books and pencil case were lying on the ground. A few hours went but and I look at the time and it was about 6:00pm.

“Dinner girls” dad yelled from the dinning room Amber and I get up looked at each other and I said, “ race ya?” “3,2,1 go!” Amber yelled and before you knew it she was at the table ready to eat and if any people know you do NOT mess with Amber's food.

"ha I win" Amber said as she sat down "yeah well..." I said back not caring and rolling my eyes "oh come on girls Tayla sit down and eat your dinner" Dad said to Me and Amber but he was manly talking to me. I sat down at the table and looked at my plate mash potatos roast carrot and pun-kin and my fave peas both me and Amber like them and of course chicken. 

at dinner its always funny he always laugh and it makes me feel better about myself. after dinner i put my plate in the kitchen sink and of course it makes a loud bang that makes me jump and then I walk down the hall way into my bedroom turn the light on and read my book until i fall asleep.

I wake up its about 2:40am and I hear nosies so i get up and i walk into Amber's room and there she was doing the same thing as what I do. she was filping out rolling around on her bad screaming my name 

"TAYLA, TAYLA!" Amber screamed in her sleep I rush to her side and hold her hand and try and wake her up but nothing i see her open her eyes and i start talking to her "Amber? Are you okay?" i speak to her but nothing, nothing but one single tear run down her white little face she is getting really pale now i begin to get scared.

"AMBER? AMBER? AMBER?" I yell at her "wake up?" I say to her as i start to cry im still holding on to her hand i tap it and i see her other hand tap her side. I grab he rother hand and i do it again i tap her hand and her other hand tap mine. 

"Amber? are you wake?" i say as i see her eyes open once again

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