Eli's Birthday

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"I couldn't sleep last night" Eli said "It would be nice to have someone to cuddle up to"
"Happy Birthday Eli" I said as I got to the table
"Thanks N/n" Eli said "But you know my birthday isn't t until the 4 of November right"
"Yeah I know that's today" I said as I showed a calendar "See"
"Oh right sorry" Eli said "I'm just focused on other things. It would be nice to have a party with my friends from Durmstrang. I miss them so much"
"I know what you mean Eli. The first birthday I had without my grandmother. I hated it so much, but it was actually really fun because I was with friends and family" I said, then sat up and walked away "Eli Where are you going?"
"I'm going for a little walk around Hogwarts"
"Okay Just be safe and don't get hurt"
"Good morning Love" Freddie said as he came to the table
"Good morning Freddie. We need to decorate the courtyard for Eli's birthday party" I said
"Okay I'll go get everyone and set it up while you go to Durmstrang and get his friends" Freddie said "You wrote letters to them about the party right"
"Yes I did. Now go and set it up. And before I forget someone needs to distract him, so he doesn't find out"
"Okay We'll make sure he doesn't find out. Also I really think while your getting his friends from Durmstrang you can go home and get your sister because Ced is at the Hufflepuff table and he looks miserable without her" Freddie said before he left
"Hey Ced Come with me" I said as I went over to the Hufflepuff table
"Where are we going?" He asked
"It's a surprise. Just follow me" I said as he followed me to a fireplace with Floo Powder
"Why are we here?" Cedric asked
"Well We have to get Eli's Friends from Durmstrang, but first we are going to go to my house and get your girlfriend" I said
"Really?" Cedric asked
"Yes Really Ced. Home" I said in the Fireplace as I appeared in the fireplace at home, then Ced after me. "Let's go to S/n's room Ced" I said as we left the room and went up the stairs "Hey sis" I said as I entered her messy room "What in the world happened in here?"

 "Let's go to S/n's room Ced" I said as we left the room and went up the stairs "Hey sis" I said as I entered her messy room "What in the world happened in here?"

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Your sisters room

"What are you doing here?"
"Well obviously you miss Cedric because you have OCD S/n and your room is a mess" I said to my sister "I'm here because today is Eli's birthday and I wasn't going to come get you until Freddie noticed that Cedric was miserable without you and obviously your miserable without your boyfriend, so I brought Ced" I said as he came out from behind me
"Cedric!!!!!!" She yelled jumping into her boyfriends arms "Thank you sis"
"Yeah of course Now clean your room" I said
"Okay Can you help me?" She asked Cedric and I
"Yeah Sure Let's do this" I said as I started cleaning. Once we were finished cleaning We all went to the fireplace and said "Durmstrang"
"N/n What are you doing here?" I heard a familiar voice ask
"Oh Hey Beck" I said as I turned around "I'm here to get you and the rest of your friend group" I said "Didn't you guys get the invitations?" I asked
"Yes We did. Follow me to the rest of the group" He said "We're here Hey Boys"
"Oh Hey N/n" Noah said
"Hey N/n" Wyatt said
"Hey N/n What are you doing here?" Leo said/asked
"I'm here to get you guys to surprise Eli. He really misses you guys. Your his friends" I told his friends
"Okay Well how are we supposed to leave if the headmaster won't let us leave" Wyatt asked
"I don't know"
"N/n Do you remember when our school was Hogwarts last year?" Leo asked
"Yeah Why?"
"Well We were there and we are going to tell you a short story about last year" Noah said

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