First Qudditch game at Hogawarts

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This Morning when I woke up I went to eat breakfast and changed my clothes.

This Morning when I woke up I went to eat breakfast and changed my clothes

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This is what you had for breakfast.

I ate my breakfast and talked to Fred, George, and Lee, then we all went to our classes

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I ate my breakfast and talked to Fred, George, and Lee, then we all went to our classes. Our classes finished and we had to go to our next classes after that, then after all those classes were finished we went to Lunch, then we went to Charms and Reviewed Lumos Maxima.

 Our classes finished and we had to go to our next classes after that, then after all those classes were finished we went to Lunch, then we went to Charms and Reviewed Lumos Maxima

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This is what you had for Lunch.
Charms was our last class, so we went to a Qudditch game after. It was Hufflepuff against Gryffindor. Lee is the Qudditch announcer and the Twins are on the Gryffindor Qudditch team, so I watched them play Qudditch. This was the First Hogwarts Qudditch game I have been to and it was really fun at the Qudditch game. Before I went to the game I changed out of my robes into something else that I haven't been wearing all day.

 Before I went to the game I changed out of my robes into something else that I haven't been wearing all day

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It is during winter in this, so I made you wear this, so you don't get cold.
The Qudditch game was over and The twins came up to me.
"Thanks for coming to watch us Y/n" The twins said at the same time.
"You're welcome I enjoyed watching you today" I said.
"Would you like to eat dinner is again this time with our brother, sister, Hermione Granger, and Harry Potter" Fred said
"Harry Potter as in the Harry Potter like the chosen one Harry Potter"I said
"Yes Harry Potter as in the Harry Potter" Fred said
"Like the chosen one Harry Potter" George Finished.
"Yes I would love to have dinner with you guy, also who is Hermione Granger"
"She is our brothers friend like Harry. He is our brothers friend" The twins said at the time.

It was finally dinner time and I went to the Gryffindor table where the twins and other people that didn't look fimiliar except Harry Potter. I noticed it was him because he had a Lighting bolt scar.
"Hi Everyone My name is Y/n" I said
"Hello Y/n" The twins said at the same time.
"Hello Y/n I am Ginerva, but you can call me Ginny" A girl that had the same color hair as the twins.
"Hi Ginny You must be Fred and George's sister"
"Yes I am" she said
"Hi I am Hermione Granger"the second girl said
"Hi I am Ron Weasley" a boy that had the same hair color hair as The twins and Ginny with a mouth stuffed with food.
"Hi I am Harry Potter" He said
"Hi Harry I know who you are I can tell because of your scar"
"It is nice meeting you Y/n"Harry said
"Hi Y/n"Lee said
I got food and started eating after everyone introduced themselves.

"Hi I am Harry Potter" He said"Hi Harry I know who you are I can tell because of your scar""It is nice meeting you Y/n"Harry said"Hi Y/n"Lee saidI got food and started eating after everyone introduced themselves

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This is what you had for dinner.
"How did you meet the twins and Lee Y/n" Hermione said
"I met them the first day I got here because I was on my way to the Hufflepuff common room and I bumped into Fred"I said
"Are you the new girl that got into Hufflepuff?" Ron asked
"Yes"I said
"What was it like at Beaxbatons" Ginny asked
"It was just like this, except all girls and it was really fun. What year are you guys in?"
"We are in our third year" Harry said
"I am in my second year" Ginny said
"What about you"Hermione asked
"I am in my fifth year like the twins and Lee"
I finished my Dinner and went to the Hufflepuff common room and got ready for bed.
"Bye guys" I said
"Bye Y/n" They all said

"Bye guys" I said "Bye Y/n" They all said

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This is what you wore to bed.

Word Count: 641

A/n: I worked really hard on this I hope you liked it.

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