Kamen Rider Saber x Ever After High: Other Riders

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Kamen Rider Blades/ Connor Rivers
Background: Connor comes from a noble family of swordsmen. He strives to become an elegant swordsman like his ancestors and uphold their legacy. He, too, was transported to Ever After, chosen by the Swordriver(Nagare ver.). He is more than happy to take the Title of Blades and fight with elegance and speed.
Personality: Connor is a composed and polite gentleman who is very supportive to his teammates. However, he tends to keep his conflicts to himself and sought to solve them on his own. He is very proud of his family heritage and will go great lengths to uphold it, to the point of keeping a good image of himself to others. He too is neutral to the Royal vs Rebel conflict as he is sure they can solve it themselves in a peaceful manner.

Kamen Rider Espada/ Armando Tormenta
Background: growing up in the slums, Armando looks at the rich with disgust. However, he was trained after a wandering swordsman and for a few years, he left on his own to further master his skills. That was until he was transported to the world of Ever After, chosen by the Swordriver(Ikazuchi ver.) to become a rider. He accepts as he sees it as an opportunity to better himself as a swordsman.
Personality: Armando comes off as cold and blunt. He holds a no-nonsense demeanor and takes his role very seriously. However, he does care for those he hold dear, just without letting down his cold attitude. He just needs time to warm up. He is neutral to the Royal vs Rebel conflict as he wants nothing to do with it. His priorities are on his duty as a rider.

Kamen Rider Buster/Scott Rockwood
Background:Scott hails from the Northern Lands of Ever After, home of proud warriors. He came travels to see the world and eventually settles down in Ever After and had a family of his own. He currently works as a baker in Drury Lane Bakery alongside his wife, Martha McMuffins-Rockwood (The current Muffin Man...or Woman,rather.). He also as two kids, his daughter named Laura and her younger brother, Angus. He is also a loyal friend to Tassel. The latter made a Seiken sword based on the original three Swordrivers and gave it to Scott as a thank you gift for saving his life.
Personality: Scott is a loud and aggressive man. He holds great pride as a warrior and will always rush forth into battle. He also has a heart gold, a shown in is loyalty to his friend, Tassel. He is also a proud family man who is happy to have Martha and the kids as his family. Godmother have mercy on the poor souls who dare mess with his family.

Kamen Rider Kenzan/Jin
Background: Jin is from a shinobi clan that prides themselves in the power of wind. They live in the Eastern Islands of Ever After. Jin travelled to Book-End to see the world for themselves and worked under Tassel as his scout. They received their Seiken not long after Scott got his.
Personality: Jin is an easy-going and cheerful person who likes to hide and play pranks. They love to be in the background see the world around them unfold. They always have a sense of curiosity and would always approach an anomaly to investigate.

Kamen Rider Slash/Jake Twain
Background: Jake is Ian's best friend. He always look out for him and hopes he will become more sociable. After learning he went missing, Jake runs all over his town to look for him, that's when he was transported to Wonderland, chosen by Ribbon, Tassel's sister, to become Kamen Rider Slash. Teaming up with her, along with Allistair Wonderland and Bunny Blanc, Jake goes on a journey to end Wonderlands Curse and find his missing best friend.
Personality: Unlike Ian, Jake is more outgoing and boisterous. He is very charismatic, athletic and great at socializing. However, he is a kind man at heart and always looks out for his friends. He can be a reckless idiot, often putting out showy moves in battle.

Kamen Rider Calibur/Kamen rider Durandal/Kamen Rider Falchion/Calibur
Background: Calibur was once an apprentice of Tassel but ran away due to his thirst for power. He stole the prototype Seiken his then-teacher was working on and perfect it to become the Ankokuken Kurayami. Calibur would use his new Seiken to reawaken the Megid and serve them to gain more power.
Personality: Calibur is a cold and calculating swordsman who yearns for power. He despised his former teacher, Tassel, for understanding his reasons. He reawakened the Megids not only to gain more power but also to get back at him.

Kamen Rider Sabela/Darling Charming
Background: Darling's a proud girl who wishes to be a hero of her own like her brothers. She joins Ian's team as she wants to experience an adventure. She gains the Noroshi sword from Connor as a True-Hearts day gift.

Personality: Darling is a kind girl who yearns for an adventure. She wants to be a hero and hates being looked down as a damsel. She will gladly fight for the excitement and also for her friends. Note:Darling is bisexual in this story and does have a crush on Apple, before the shocking reveal of Ian being her Prince Charming. She nevertheless loves Connor and respects him as a swordsman and Connor respects her back.

Kamen Rider Solomon/Kamen Rider Storius/Solomon
Background: Solomon was a knight who fought along with his brother, Cael. They found the book of Wonder and its potential. Cael wanted to use it for good but Solomon wanted it for evil. The two brothers fought with their own 3 generals, the original 3 Seiken riders and the megids, Storius, Leiegel and Zoous. Cael and his riders eventually won and Solomon was vanquished. He was eventually revived by Storius and continues his conquest to rule Ever After.
Personality: Solomon is a cold, manipulative and cunning warrior who will do any means necessary to pursue his goals. He sees his Megids as nothing more than pawns, hence why he killed Storius and use him to power himself up.

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