Kamen Rider Saber x Ever After High

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In this story, Ian Orwell is an average high school boy who is suddenly forced into the world of Ever After High to protect it from the reawakened Megid and stop them from reawakening their dark master.

Main Character:

Ian Orwell / Kamen Rider Saber
Parent's Story: None
Powerful Qualities: Easygoing, Approachable, Determined
Roommate: None
Secret Heart's Desire: I want to defeat the Megids and get back home. I don't want my family to get worried sick.
My Magic Touch: I...don't have one. I guess my Swordriver? But I am new to sword fighting. Hex, I'm new to fighting megids!
Storybook Romance Status: I kinda have a thing for Apple but... she's already got a Prince Charming. What chance do I have?
"Oh Curses" Moment: I'm a stuttering mess when I'm the center of attention. I really don't like standing out!
Favorite Subject: Creative Storytelling. I really like writing stories, especially ones with action and adventure!
Least Favorite Subject: Advanced Wooing. I don't think I have the "charm" to get the ladies. Why is this a subject?!
Best Friends Forever After: Raven Queen and Madeline Hatter. I can always depend on them to help me understand Ever After.

Background: Ian is an ordinary high school student whose only best friend is Jake Twain, one of the school varsities. He was transported to the world of Ever After High thanks to Tassel, who used the Seiken Swordriver to find its new wielder. And apparently the driver chose him for some reason. Now, he must take upon the mantle of Kamen Rider Saber and defend Ever After.

Personality: Ian is an easygoing boy who enjoys the company of others. However, he doesn't like to stand out and be the center of attention. His flaws are his inability to pick between royals and rebels as well as his lack of ambition. He hates seeing his friends fight and wants everyone to get along. His dislike of standing out causes him to lack any plans or desires of his own. But when his friends need help, you can bet he'll try his best to help. He may be new to sword fighting, but he shows initiative and willingness to learn and master it.

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