Ch. 17: It's Your Choice

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"I'm sorry." It's the only thing I can think of.

"Well sorry doesn't help much, does it? But maybe I can help you think a little clearer the next time I tell you what I specifically don't want you to do."

He's still wearing his tux. He takes off the jacket and drops it on the back of the couch. Now he's moving toward me again, that purposeful look back in his eyes as he removes his cufflinks, dropping them on a side table, and rolls his sleeves up slightly.

"What are you doing?" I ask again, backing up more. But I think I know, and a shudder that's half arousal and half panic runs through my entire body.

"You were wondering yesterday whether you might like it if I spanked you. Now is the perfect time to find out." His voice is completely controlled, no sign of emotion.

And my insides are turning to jelly.

I thought he'd raise his voice. Yell at me. Maybe even throw me out.

He's not doing any of that. He's going to put me over his knee and spank me. And since he took off his jacket and rolled up his sleeves, I'm pretty sure he means business.

I can feel my panties getting wet, and my bottom is starting to tingle. I also remember what he said about how when he did spank me he'd hold me firmly in place until he was done. My knees are trembling and I back up against one of the chairs in the small dining area where we had breakfast. I grab onto the back of the chair to steady myself.

"Now wait just a minute," I say.

"No," Max says simply. "We're done talking." But he pauses in his approach. "What I said before still applies, Hadley."

I stare at him and I'm sure my confusion shows on my face.

"You can still say no," Max explains in a slightly gentler tone. "I'm not forcing you to stay here. You can walk out that door right now and get on the next flight back to Miami. Or you can ask me to pick up the phone and get you another room for the night, and fly home tomorrow."

He gives me a hard look. "But if you choose to stay here in this suite tonight, with me, you're getting a spanking. And it's going to happen right now. So what's it going to be, Hadley?"

I lick my lips. I know what my answer is. I've been secretly wanting him to spank me since he told me that fantasy on one of our late night phone calls. I've been wondering what it would be like. But now that the moment's here I'm scared about giving up control. Even though I know already that Max would never actually harm me.

If I walk out that door now, I'm pretty sure that means walking out of his life forever. And leaving a lot of things I want to know—about him and about myself—unanswered.

"I'm waiting, Hadley."

I take a deep breath. "I don't want to leave."

He's right there next to me in two quick steps, and before I can even register what's happening he's pulled the straight-back chair I was leaning on away from the table and sat down on it, spinning me around and then pulling me across his lap.

He adjusts his legs slightly so that he tips me forward, my hands touching the floor and my feet dangling. I can't get any leverage in this position. There's no way I can get up until he lets me up.

The AC feels cool on my skin as he flips the skirt of my dress up. His fingers slip under the waistband of my panties and the silky material slides over my bottom and then down my legs.

I glance over toward the floor to ceiling windows and catch our reflection. It's dark outside, except for the lights showing from the Strip below, and the glass works almost like a mirror. The image of myself draped over his lap with my bottom angled up and my panties around my knees is unbelievably erotic. I'm immediately aroused despite my nerves.

Sex and the Billionaire Crime BossOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant