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Ch. 16: Wiseguys

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"Of course I brought a lawyer, Gino. Your lawyer is here." Max gestures to the man sitting next to the other guy.

"My lawyer is my brother-in-law. And he's part of this deal."

"All the more reason why I want independent legal advice."

"So why are we just meeting"—he glances over at me—"Ms. Jones now?"

"I didn't need her in our negotiations. I wasn't planning to involve her until we worked out all the details. Then I'll have her review the documents and make sure they accomplish what we want. The last thing I want to do is get tripped up by the IRS when we could have made a few changes."

Gino looks over at me. "You're a tax lawyer?"

"I'm familiar with the tax code. But I'm a criminal lawyer," I say, and for some reason they all laugh. All except Max, whose face when he turns toward me still looks like it's carved in stone.

I see something in his eyes that makes my stomach go weak.

I'm in trouble. Not from the men sitting around the table—although I haven't discounted that possibility either—but with Max. And what he'll say to me after they all leave. It could all be over between us. Just because I forgot my stupid phone.

Gino looks at me, his eyes making an open appraisal of the shimmery cocktail dress with the plunging neckline that almost reveals my breasts, the short skirt, the high strappy sandals. He nods like he approves of what he sees, then gives Max an even stare.

"I guess fucking your lawyer is one way to ensure loyalty," Gino says, and suddenly my heart is in my throat.

I expect Max to react to this, to get angry. But he just looks back at Gino and nods. "Either that or have them marry your sister."

There's a silence, then Gino snorts and slaps Max on the back.

"I always liked your style, even when you were a little kid in the room while I made deals with your father. Always quiet, always taking it all in. I'm sure he's proud of you now."

"I'm sure he is."

Max gives me a dismissive glance. "You can leave now Hadley. Go back to the casino."

I turn, wanting nothing more than to walk out of this room and never come back.

"No," Gino says. "Have her join us. She can take a look at the contracts Mal put together." He jerks his head toward his brother-in-law.

Gino looks across the table at one of the men who has been silent until now. "You okay with that, Joey D?"

"I'm okay with it." Then he looks directly at Max. "You're vouching for her."

Max nods. "That's understood."

The man sitting next to Joey D says nothing, and I'm getting the idea from the body language that maybe he's a bodyguard or something. He looks like he lifts weights, and I'm pretty sure his nose has been broken in two places and didn't heal properly.

"Come in, Hadley," Max says, his voice completely without emotion. There's an empty chair to his right, and he inclines his head toward it.

I sit down, heart racing, wishing I was anyplace else but here.

The door to suite opens and Gabe walks in. They all turn their heads and look at him, but no one acknowledges him.

Gabe's eyes widen for a moment when he sees me sitting at the table, then he joins us, but sits back from the table, observing. I realize that if I weren't here in Vegas, Gabe probably would have been in these meetings all along, a silent observer sending pretty much the same message as the man sitting next to Joey D. Instead, he was babysitting me.

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