Michael's death

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Made by the first author:

(It's been 20 years) when Noah died Michael was going to bed and seen a paper under his bed "hmm let's read this"


Dear michael

You been looking for a job for a long time now and you haven't got a job yet will take this job i promise you will get to see your family again Elizabeth, Norman(c.c),Noah and your father
And you will get to see us again and more jobs but I believe you will like this job if you don't I have more just go to to my office

"What the fuck I mean if this job will get me to see my family again I will do it" Michael said he  is 26 and the age for getting in is 25 "I'm going to call Henry" Michael said putting his phone number in " hello?" "Hey Henry I know you hate my family but I need to talk to you first" Michael said hold the phone up to his ear and holds the paper up in front of him "oh you find the paper" Henry said "i well be over in a bit" Henry said hanging up the phone

    2-10 mins


Michael walks up to the door and opens the door "oh Henry your here" Michael said looking at Henry "yeah you look so different" Henry said "yep" Michael said "okay let's talk and clean up this trash up house" Henry said Michael left the house but the only things he did left is the family picture and him and Noah
"Michael you know that I only half of the people that die and the person who di-" Henry said when he got cut off " yes I know can we not do this" Michael said looking down at the family picture and Noah and Henry got him the sign up


"What the fuck I got kidnapped by anmontric on my first day well one more night then I get my money and burn down the place and get to the other pizzeria


Michael got hit up side the head and woke up with his hands tied up "what the hell is this pla-" "OH FUCK SHIT NO" Michael said the scooper only hurts for a second and then Michael woke up again but seen Elizabeth and Noah looking down at him "agh eli, Noah is that you" Michael said and started crying "Mikey is that you I'M SO SORRY I DIDN'T MEAN TO WHAT DID I DO" Elizabeth said looking at michael and how much blood he lost
"It fine" Michael said "hey Mike" Noah said Michael tried to get up but then Elizabeth and Noah pick him up and Elizabeth got something out of his pocket and then Michael passed out see a light bit of fire light  and next thing he in bed still has a big hole in his stomach but he was clean " you woke up darling" Noah said

The end

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