The next day..

35 1 3

y/n remember wicked is good..

i wake up suddenly
"Y/N!"i yell out
cliff and jeff turn to me
"Y/N IS MY NAME" i say sitting up quickly
"Thats great but you need to rest"jeff says walking over to me "you hit your head pretty hard yesterday"he says laying me back down

"well when will i be able to leave"i question pulling down the fabric that was covering me

"my clothes are disgusting"i thought

"also when will get to change"i say rubbing my head

"well you can change right now if you want to but we have to talk to alby about you leaving .Just take it slow for right now"cliff says giving me a box of clothes to choose from.
"yea thats fine"
"you'll be fine here right? Jeff says stepping towards the entrance of the medjack tent.

"yea yea go ahead"
as they leave i sit for a moment before standing up.i slowly lift my shirt groaning a bit as my arms are aching. i change my dirty gray tank top into a white tshirt.
"ugh this is all boy clothes.."I think shaking my i change my jeans a put a clean pair on the jeans being to big for my slip down.

"just great."i grab a pair of scissors and start cutting the jeans around the thigh part turning them into shorts and finding a small string tie it around my waist to hold my once jeans up.just as im finshed someone comes in.

"Hey jef-"gally doesn't finish his sentence as i turn around quickly.

"hey im changing here!"i say covering myself with the fabric even tho im fully clothed.

"you look like you have clothes on to me."he says sarcastically.he then walks in holding his was bleeding.

i roll my eyes as i ask him what happened

no response

"fine then dont talk to me" i sit back on the bed to put on my boots


"i sliced my hand on a nail."he replies

i look up at him just as i finish tying my shoes

"oh wow he speaks ladies and gents!"i stand up

"yea yea where are cliff and jeff this really stings"he says sitting in one of the wooden chairs facing each other.
"they went to go talk to alby" i saw walking to the gauze and bandages.
"what do you think you're doing"he says raising a eyebrow at me.

"do you want me to help you or not"i look back down at him.

" i rather you not."he says sternly

i walk back to bed and lay back down.

"okay then if you say so"

i close my eyes.

more silence

"fine!"gally finally speaks up.

"fine what?"i open my eyes looking towards him.

he scoffs "you can help me"he says obviously aggravated.

i smile get up and sit down in front of him

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