Shattered Lightning - DekuKami🌧️

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The rain poured relentlessly, mirroring the storm brewing within Izuku's heart. He stood alone on the rooftop, his thoughts consumed by a whirlwind of emotions. Kaminari, his closest friend, had been acting distant lately, and Izuku couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong.

They had always shared a unique bond, forged through countless battles and shared dreams. But as of late, Kaminari had been avoiding Izuku, leaving him feeling lost and abandoned. Unable to bear the uncertainty any longer, Izuku decided to confront him.

He found Kaminari sitting alone in the common room, his gaze fixed on the floor. His normally vibrant smile was replaced by a somber expression, and Izuku's heart sank at the sight.

"Kaminari," Izuku called softly, his voice filled with concern. "Is something on your mind? You've been acting distant lately."

Kaminari looked up, his eyes reflecting a mixture of sadness and guilt. "Izuku, I... I don't know how to say this," he stammered, his voice shaking. "I've been struggling with something, and I didn't want to burden you with it."

Izuku's heart skipped a beat. "You know you can talk to me about anything, Kaminari. We're here to support each other."

Kaminari let out a heavy sigh. "I know, but... it's about my Quirk," he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. "Lately, I've been feeling like a liability to the team. My electricity is too unpredictable, and I'm afraid I might hurt someone."

Izuku's eyes widened in shock. He had always admired Kaminari's Quirk, his ability to control and manipulate electricity. But he had never considered the toll it might take on Kaminari himself.

"Kaminari, you're not a liability," Izuku said firmly, stepping closer to him. "Your Quirk is a part of you, and it's what makes you unique. We're a team, and we'll find a way to work through this together."

Kaminari's eyes glistened with unshed tears. "I wish I could believe that, Izuku," he whispered, his voice filled with self-doubt. "But what if I can't control it? What if I end up hurting someone I care about?"

Izuku reached out and gently placed his hand on Kaminari's shoulder. "I understand your fear, Kaminari. But remember, we're all here to support and help each other grow. You're not alone in this."

Kaminari's shoulders trembled as he fought back tears. "I... I just don't want to let anyone down," he admitted, his voice breaking. "Especially not you, Izuku. You've always been there for me, and I don't want to disappoint you."

Izuku's heart ached at Kaminari's words. He realized the weight of the burden his friend had been carrying alone. "Kaminari, you could never disappoint me," he said firmly, his voice filled with sincerity. "You're strong, and I believe in you. We'll face this together, just like we've faced everything else."

Kaminari looked up, his eyes filled with a mix of gratitude and determination. "Thank you, Izuku," he whispered, his voice filled with newfound hope. "I'm lucky to have you as my friend."

Izuku smiled warmly at Kaminari. "The feeling is mutual, Kaminari. We'll overcome any obstacle together."

As the rain continued to fall outside, Izuku and Kaminari found solace in each other's presence. They knew that their friendship was stronger than any storm that came their way, and together, they would weather the challenges that lay ahead.


556 Words

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