Hanako: "Be safe, okay?" 

As Tanjirō walks off, Nezuko appears, carrying their youngest brother, Rokuta, on her back. 

Nezuko: "Big Brother!" 

Tanjirō: "Hey, Nezuko." 

Nezuko: "I was putting Rokuta down for a nap, or he'd make a scene when you leave. He misses Dad a lot since he passed away." 

Tanjirō pats Rokuta's head lightly. 

Nezuko: "And everyone follows you wherever you go. See you later." 

Tanjirō continues making his way toward town. 

Tanjirō: We don't have an easy life, but we're happy. But life could change suddenly like the weather. It shifts and moves on. It's not like it always stays sunny, and it's not like it ever snows endlessly. And... whenever happiness is destroyed, there's always... the smell of blood.

~In the forest~

A portal opens and an owl demon walks through before turning and waiting for the angel to go through. 

Uriel: "Is that how it feels to go through a portal?" 

Y/n looks at him before a flash of blue appears in the corner of Uriel's eye. 

Uriel: "Hmm? Y/n?!" 

Y/n is now a tall, white-haired, pinked eyed female. Uriel looks at her and stares at her eyes which house child-like wonder in them. 

Uriel: She's fairly pretty. Her long white hair is tied up into pigtails, she has soft pink eyes that seem so gentle, and she also has a larger-than-average bust, and a slim figure. I should probably get her something that covers her more, after all this is Japan and it's in the 1920s she'll get a lot of dirty looks for it. Her choker is pretty as well not what I was expecting. Her multi-colored bracelets make her hat look pretty too. 

Y/n: "Take a picture it'll last longer, darling~" 

Uriel: "I-I-I..." 

Y/n: "It's fine I'm merely joking. I know you're not intrested. Let's get your human disguise." 

A blue light covers Uriel. 

Uriel: "What is this?" 

When the light disappeared Y/n conjured a mirror for him to look at. 

Uriel: "Hmm. I like it." 

Y/n: "Good because there's no trades or changes."

~In town during the morning~

Tanjirō has made it down the mountain. He speaks to townsfolk down the street. 

Woman 1: "Well now, Tanjirō! I can't believe you came down from the mountain on a day like this. You're such a hard worker! You might catch a cold, you know?" 

Tanjirō: "This is nothing, really. Do you have enough charcoal?" 

Man 1: "Hey, Tanjirō!" 

Tanjirō: "Hmm?" 

Man 1: "Can I have some charcoal?" 

Man 2: "Thanks for fixing my sliding doors the other day." 

Woman 2: "I'll need some charcoal, too!" 

A door opens behind Tanjirō, revealing a woman holding a boy by the scruff of his clothes. The boy has blood coming from his mouth. 

Boy: "Ah, Tanjirō! Oh man, perfect timing!" 

The Hellborn Demon SlayerHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin