Chocolate Brownie

338 11 5

"Not cool..."

A drawn-out groan fell from your lips as you rolled onto your side and reached for your phone that had woken you. Stupid phone. How dare it wake you up? You fumbled around on your night-stand, nearly knocking over a glass of water, before you wrapped your hand around your mobile. This had better be important or else you were going to lose. your. cool.

"Hello?" you spoke groggily into your phone.

"Ohayo, ___-san. Did I wake you?" you recognised the voice immediatley- Kiku Honda, AKA: Japan.

"Yes, in fact, you did. That's why this'd better be worth it." With these words you sat up on the edge of the bed and rubbed your eyes with your free hand, cleansing them of the nasty gunk that had gathered in the corners.

"A-ah! Gomenasai, ___-san! I was merely wondering if you wanted to come over and watch anime, that's all!" You could hear the panic in his voice even through the phone. Your eyes perked up at the word 'anime'.

"Hold up, Kiku! Anime is totally worth waking up for! Honestly, I thought you knew me better than that. I wake up for 2 things and 2 things only: Anime, and Ice-cream!" You now stood at the foot of your bed, a smile on your face as you opened up your curtains excitedly, temporarily blinding yourself. Big mistake.

"So you'll come round? Unfortunately I have no ice-cream in the house at the moment..."

You removed your arm from your eyes where you had tried (unsuccessfully) to protect them from the sun. "Sure! Gimme 20 minutes. The awesome me will even go pick up some ice-cream from the store!"



"I think you've been spending too much time with Prussia"

-*-*Timeskip brought to you by Russia, da? (^J^)-*-*

You stepped into the supermarket and picked up a basket, heading straight for the freezer section. You were on a mission- a mission for ice-cream. and NOTHING was going to stop you.

Almost breaking into a sprint, you made your way to the freezers and began eyeing up the shelves. Deciding to make your mind up before you began openly drooling in the middle of the store, you made your choice. You reached your hand into what felt like the arctic and pulled out a tub. A positively delicious tub- Ben & Jerry's chocolate brownie ice-cream. Oh yes.

After paying the cashier and stuffing the treat into a plastic bag thinner than Canada's hair curl, you practically run to your car to avoid the ice-cream melting. Keys in ignition, you sped off to Japan's place

-*-*And the award for shortest time between time skips goes to...-*-*

You pulled your car into Kiku's driveway and excitedly hopped out, bringing the frozen deliciousness with you. You knocked the door rapidly before stepping back and waiting for him to appear.

Japan X Reader Oneshot- Chocolate BrownieWhere stories live. Discover now