"Yeah, thats true. But its Class A. They think theyre all stuck in their own world, that theyre the only class there."

"Now you see, that sounds stupid."


"You sound like your idiotic boyfriend. Your being a jerk to another class just like him." Miko looked at me and out a hand on my shoulder. "Im glad youre finally putting yourself out there and meeting people, but.. some of them seem like not so great people."

"So what, are you saying I should break up with him?"

"No, not at all Y/n! Im just saying, hes rubbing off on you, and I dont think its in a good way."

"Im sorry."

She sighed, "Dont be. Imma go home now, m'kay?"

I just nodded in response as she walked out the door. I heard her talking to Mom downstairs, but didmt pay attention to what either or them were saying. I just decided I should sleep. Try and forget about today.

I woke up late and barely made it to school on time. I honestly wish I wouldve just slept and missed today.

I walked with Denki and Kirishima like yesterday, but barely said a word. I dont think they noticed.
In class, only time I spoke was when I was called on by the teachers.
Thankfully we didnt train today.
At lunch I didnt say much and barely ate my food. Everyone thought this was how I was since it was Class A.
The rest of the day, I was silent. No one from class tried talking to me. They didnt seem to want to.
Walking home alone, I cried. Why?
I told myself I wouldnt let anything like this happened when I saw how heartbroken Miko was once. Now look at me. Thankfully that shadow figure didnt pop up and pester me.

One thing was bothering me though.

Someone was matching my pace on the opposite side of the street. It didnt bother me at first, but its been several blocks. She doesnt look like she goes to UA, her uniform is from somewhere else. I dont know what to do. Im trying to ignore her, but its difficult. I keep seeing her look over at me out of the corner of my eye.
She started speeding up. 'Oh, maybe she lives up ahead and is just trying to get home quicker,' I thought. But no. She was turning. To my side of the street.

"Hello! How are you Y/n?" She had a huge smile on her face.

"Uhm, Im sorry, do I know you?"

"Not at all, but I know you~" I went to turn around, but she grabbed me by the hand and started pulling me forward. "Where do you live Y/n?"

"Im not telling you that."

"Why not? All Im doing is taking ya home!"

"Because I have no clue who you are."

"Call me Himiko!"


"Dont worry about my full name. So, about that boyfriend of yours.."

"How do you know? Wait, no, youre just one of Miko's other friends trting to get me to talk. Im not gonna."

"Oh, I wish I was. Shes soooo pretty. If only she would bleed a little, she would look stunning." She barely whispered that last part, I couldnt even understand what she said.

"Uh, what? I couldnt hear you."

"Hm? Oh, nothing, domt worry! Now which house is yours again," she looked at 3 houses next to each other, one of which was indeed mine. "Aha!" She walked onto my porch, still holding onto my hand. She reached into the bottom of the mailbox and grabbed out spare house key since Mom wasnt home right now.

Oh gods. Mom isnt home.

I have no clue who this girl is. She doesnt have a good vibe to her, I can see that much. I wish I knew a little more about her. Her full name might help.
But what if shes a psycho thats trying to kill me? If I call Mom while shes working she wont answer. If I call Neito he probably wont even pick up. I could call Miko, but what if thats what she wants? This Himiko girl was talking about how she wishes she knew Miko, but it sounded more creepy than anything. I dont wanna put Miko in danger, but just what if I am in danger? Would Kendo come? Would she believe me?

"Hellooo, Y/n~ You awake there?" I felt her poking my shoulder, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Oh, uh yeah, sorry. Got lost in thought."

"Ah, I do that. It can be kinda annoying sometimes, cant it?"

"Yeah, sure can."

"Sooo, got any games? Board games? Video games? Card games?"

"Yeah but I dont know how to play a few of them."

"Thats okay, I can teach ya!"

"No thats-"

"I know how to play pretty much every game out there! I can teach you. Were gonna become best friends!"

"Uh.. okay?" Why did I say okay? I have no clue who this is!! She knows where I live and where the house key is. She even knows where we keep the games. I am so confused and concerned on how she knows all of this. Also, big also, why does she call me by my first name?

*knock knock*

"Dont worry, Ive got it!" Before I could say anyhting she opened the door and I saw him. Neito was standing there with a box.

He pushed her out of the way. "Why the hell is this?" he said, looking at me, standing there in middle of the living room.

"Honestly I dont know. She is gicing me weird vibes though."

"Why is she here then?!"

"She wont leave me alone, I dunno what to do!"

"Uhm Im right here you two!"

He turned to her and pointed at the sidewalk. "Leave."

"But why? I finally decided to talk to Y/n and his boyfriend kicks me out!"

"Exactly, I need to talk to him, and you need to leave." With that, he pushed her out the door and locked it. "Alright, my mom made me come here and say this. Just so you know, Im still kinda mad."

"Im sorry."

"Stop, dont apologize. I was, what was it? Oh yeah. 'I was being an idiot, I understand why you were mad, and I am sorry'."

"Thats just what your mom told you to say, isnt it?"

"Yep. And she said to give you this," he held the box out to me.
I opened it, and it had a bracelet inside. It was made of calcite. He rolled up his sleeve, "I have one too. It absorbs negative energy and stuff like that, I think. Thats what it said."

"That is what it does, thank you." I hugged him for at least 2 minutes. I didnt wanna let go. "Ive missed you, even if its only been a day since we talked."

"Ill admit it, I have missed you a little, you loser."

Okay, so, not the longest chapter, but it was over 2000 words, so Im happy. I dunno if you guys are gonna like it, but I actually enjoyed writing this one. I wouldve gotten this out 2 days earlier but I decided to finally watch season 2 of Tokyo Revengers and I finished it and OOO it was good. Hakkai is my new favorite like WHY IS HE SO PRETTY???? But anyways, thats kept me from writing. Im gonna try and get the next part out ASAP, I promise :] Byeeeee~

Neito Monoma X Male ReaderHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin