For your sake

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Meanwhile, with Emu searching for Tsukasa...

--Hello!!-- the pink princess said to a girl with a diversity of technological materials around her. She was touching in a lot of buttons and holograms, making it all very confusing for the White Princess. --What is all that for, little girl?!--

She noticed that it was the Princess Kusanagi, but she was using what it seemed to be something covering both of her ears. Meaning that's the reason why she didn't heard Emu's loud greeting.

--Princess Kusanagi!!!!-- Emu said, removing what was covering the girl's ears.

--AAAAHHH!!-- Nene screamed, as she slapped the girl in the face with a random fire spell as a reaction.

--O-ouch... it's burning? What have you done? It hurts...!--

--Oh my god, are you Otori? I'm so sorry, i... look at me alright? I can heal you.--
the Bloody princess said as she held Emu's face with both of her hands and a green aura appeared around the bruised area, making the cheek looks like the same way it was before.

--Wow! The pain suddenly disappeared!--

--Are you alright? If you have any symptoms after using a heal spell please tell me, i already have the medication you need.-- Nene says, searching in her bag.

--No, no, i don't need anything! Just to find my friend from the White Knights! Blonde, cute golden eyes and veeeery tall, have you seen him?--

--Huh? Why would a White Knight be here?--

--I don't know!! He always go out for something, so i decided to follow him today. He left the Kingdom and entered in this forest, but i got lost! So a guy helped me to find the Bloody Kingdom and here i am!!--

--Tsukasa... I mean, White Knight Tenma is at the Bloody Kingdom?-- the Soldier Toya appeared not so far away, walking towards them.

--Hello! I'm Emu Otori!!-- the pink haired princess happily said to the boy.

--Of course, i know you Princess Otori. It's a pleasure to meet you in person.--

--Toya, you finally appeared. We could talk later tho, since is sort of confidencial.-- Nene said, and returned to press a lot of different buttons and holograms started to appear again.

--What is that holograms? Where did you get those from? Hmmm... what perfume is that??!--

--... And because of her.--

--I could be in charge to find your friend Otori, if you want.-- Toya offered.

--Great! Then i will spend a little time with you, alright princess?!-- Emu says, hugging the other girl.

--Sigh...-- Nene huffed.

Toya leaves both of the princesses by themselves, and rushed to where he thought Tsukasa could be:
Rui's secret base.

The soldier saw the blonde Knight running away from the abandoned illusionary cottage, and as soon as he was gone, Toya ran to the door and furiously knocked it.

--My star, did you forgot something... Oh.-- Rui speaks as he opens the door.

--What have i told you about meeting up with him?-- Toya asked, angry.

--Toya, hey! How is it going with you and your partner Akito? Wouldn't you too meet up today heh...?--

--How is it going with you and my brother?--

--I'm sorry, it's...--

--No, I don't forgive you. I told you to not show him about your true self. And you know why.--

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