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I have to hold back a laugh as Stella emerges from her pit, aka her bedroom. Standing idly in her doorway, she's hardly awake as she watches what I'm doing. Morning-Stella reminds me of those interactive game characters that follow you about, and don't do anything until you talk to them. Her hair is messier than usual, her body stiff and rigid. She must've had a rough night, a lot more sleep walking than what I witnessed!

Stella looks me up and down, her scowl deepening as she judges me. "What are you doing?"

"I'm making poached egg and avocado on toast." I answer, prodding an egg around in the saucepan of boiling water. "Yes, I am doing you some, so don't-"

"No, no." Stella interrupts me, rubbing his face with her hands. "What are you doing, you're up to something."

Play it cool. "What do you mean?"

"Not to be blunt, but you're glowing like you've just slept with someone." Stella says, pulling a high stool out from underneath the kitchen counter behind me.

Hm, better than eye bags! I giggle at her comment, keeping my mouth shut in case I let the cat out of the bag. Charles is already having a new effect on me, like the boyfriend effect but without the boyfriend.  Stella shuffles like a haggard old dog onto the stool, grunting and groaning like an old age pensioner rather than a woman in her twenties.

"Since when did you wake up this early on your day off and think 'oh, I fancy putting on a full face of make up and red lipstick today'?" Stella asks sarcastically, only just noticing my lipstick. "Maybe in the evening, but not on a Friday morning!"

"I just had a shit week at work and wanted to feel good about myself, is there anything wrong with that?"

"Ok, fine, I'll let you off." Stella sighs, clearing her throat. "I need one of those weeks soon, my love life is so dull."

I turn around with a scoff, putting a hand on my hip. Stella complains about not meeting a man, and not having a boyfriend since the day we met. However! She's one of those who expects said man to twirl into her life without putting in any effort. She doesn't leave the house unless it's work, does she expect a patient to be the man of her dreams?

"Em, you'd rather watch- I don't know- a cricket match than listen to my love life right now!" Stella defends herself, causing me to snicker.

"Why don't you go out tonight with the girls from work tonight?" I state, then hold a carton of apple juice up for her to see. "Juice?"

"Go on then." Stella nods, giving me a wink. "It's so much effort to get ready, and I have no personality without you."

I'm desperately trying to get Stella out the house. If I can get her out then I won't have to sneak back in after I see Charles, or sneak him in. I resist the urge to chew my lip in thought, as I don't want red lipstick plastered all over my teeth. I pass a glass to Stella, who gives my outfit a glance over before sipping her drink.

I grip the carton harder, my attempts at getting Stella out of the house are already failing. I just want her out of the flipping way! This sounds harsh, but Stella makes meeting up with Charles a mission. I know, that is her soul purpose in my life! I pour some juice into a small glass for her, then turn around to place it my her hand. She's still eyeing up my outfit with a salty look on her face, narrowing an eye at me.

"Now what's your problem?" I ask, tilting my head. "The eggs will be done in thirty seconds, stop getting hangry!"

"I'm not hangry!" Stella exclaims, putting her glass down. "I was just debating whether I have the energy to get ready."

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