Chapter 3: The whole news

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The earthquake is the only thing that anyone in school ever talked about. It was like school never existed, only a gossiping center of where they could share their different beliefs about the quake.
         I didn't dare say a word but Jackson (being Jackson) knows me,  even better than my parents. "What did you do? " he whispered. He immediately knew that something was wrong, even as absurd as it may sound to the average person (me) , he knew that I had something to do with this. "Nothing." I lied. It hurt so much to lie to the boy who was like a brother to me. Soon enough the bell rang.
       Saved by the bell, I ran (practically dashed though) to my next class but little did I know that I would meet something hair raising (not really hair raising but STILL!)
        So I entered my Geography class , sat down on my usual seat and listened to the class. We were unfortunately treating Natural disasters in class so as expected the topic about the 'big quake' came up.
        "I believe it was a warning⚠ of an upcoming zombie apocalypse! " said Bianca, a girl with blonde hair and pretty blue eyes but the brain of a peanut. She was vain, her vanity was as large as Aphrodite's . She was stupid rich [̲̅$̲̅(̲̅͡°͜ʖ͡°̲̅)̲̅$̲̅], mean, popular, dumb🤡, pretty, not athletic and yet again dumb🙄. I'm pretty sure that she was so dumb, she rubbed lip gloss💄 on her head to make up her mind. Boy, was she stupid .
        "That's just plain stupid! I believe that the quake was the sign of the end times. " protested Sarah. You know all those girls who believe that they may be a direct descendant of Christ, the Redeemer. ᗩᒪᒪ ᕼOᒪIᗴᖇ Tᕼᗩᑎ TᕼOᑌ. Yup, that was her. She was rich, not athletic, snobby, smart, Տᑌᑭᗴᖇ sanctimonious, and had black hair and green eyes so you could say that she was pretty to some extent.

       Then the girl of my dreams appeared, Khamila. She was also Spanish. She was like me, in some way. She had brown, wavy, long hair which reached her behind, brown soothing eyes, brown skin, entrancing lips and a curvy body. She was perfect. She had a secret similar to mine but everybody knew hers, including her mom. She lost her dad when she was younger.
          "I think the quake was a normal natural disaster in which we should be glad that we didn't have any casualties and go on with the class for God's sake! " she shouted. The class went silent and everyone including the teacher agreed with her and the day went smoothly from then on.

        Later in the day, a wonderful thing happened. It was almost like the whole world became paradise. Khamila came to talk to ME! Jackson left us alone, playfully nudging my arm before he left.
         She smiled "Umm, hi Rosa, I have a question for you. Is it okay to ask? It's totally okay if you don't wanna... " she said. Curiosity was eating me from my insides. What did she want to ask? I did not know. "Ok" I said ready for any fish she wanted to throw at me but nothing in the world prepared me for THAT!! "Are you.. like me? " she finally asked. "Yes, yes I am". It felt bad to lie to HER. " Do you wanna go out with me? "she asked, a question that set fireworks off from the center of my brain. " Yes. "I said with a straight face that only God knows how I managed to keep. She left me with butterflies🦋 in my tummy.
        I practically skipped my way home and I forgot all about the earthquake in no time. Couldn't wait for Friday but I didn't know what was going to get me.

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