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SUMMARY: FTM Stanley has to explain what a period is to clueless Narrator :]

TW/CW: mentions of blood

I was sitting at my desk, ignoring the Narrator, when I looked at the calendar and saw it was close to the beginning of my menstrual cycle.

I've only been here for a little under a month, so I haven't exactly told Narrator that I'm trans. I'm not sure if he can really tell the difference between male and female, actually.

I was a little worried though, me and him haven't exactly gotten along during my stay so far, so I wondered if this would upset him?

"STANLEY! WILL YOU PLEASE JUST LEAVE YOUR OFFICE?!" Narrator yelled, sounding more and more desperate as time went on.

'Narrator, would you care if I was female?' I signed to the camera in the corner of the room.

"What? No, well, if you would be even less obedient, THEN I might care. But it makes no difference to me. Why?" He asked, sounding genuinely curious.

'Nothing," I signed back, standing up to leave my office.

"Now you have me curious, Stanley. Why did you want to know that?" He asked, not even acknowledging that I left my office after 2 long hours.

'It's nothing, really,' I added, looking down so that he couldn't see my flustered face.

I get quite embarrassed when I'm on the topic of gender, so I was trying to change the conversation.

"Stanley." He blocked the door in front of me and the one behind me, "Is there something you need to tell me?"

Shit, he caught on. Sometimes I forget he has the ability to not be dense.

"Stanley, you are aware I can read your thought, right?"


He let out a long laugh, making me blush even more. I sat down in a chair at one of the desks.

"What is it you wanted to tell me, Stanley?" He asked.

Well, Uhm. I- promise you won't be mad.

"Stanley, I assure you that I will not be mad. I just don't want any secrets between us," he comforted.

Ok, I'm trans.

"Oh Stanley, I'm so glad you feel confident enough to tell me that!" Narrator said and I sighed from relief.

Thank god, also, since I'm just getting it all out there, it's almost my time of the month. I thought to him, rubbing my neck bashfully.

"What? Your time of the month? What do you mean, Stanley? Correct me if I'm wrong, but every waking moment is, and I quote, 'your time'," Narry said, his voice laced with sarcasm.

Do- do you not know what a period is? I asked.

"What? Of course I do, Stanley! A period is a dot that comes at the end of a statement! Or a long amount of time- but what does that have to do with you being self centered?" He asked.

I couldn't help but laugh at his stupidity. Him, the all knowing, godlike being, doesn't understand what a period is?

"For fucks sake- what do I not know?!" He asked, sounding frustrated once again.

Well, a period is kind of just monthly bleeding? Every month for a week, I bleed out of- well you get the point, don't you?

He was silent, did he seriously not know this?

"I- that sounds horrible! Stanley, how have you not died from blood loss already?!" He yelled, absolutely flabbergasted.

I only loose like- twelve teaspoons of blood? And it's in a prolonged about of time too.

"TWELVE?!" He screeched.

Yea, do you know what pads are?

"Oh god please tell me you don't shed your skin too."

No, I don't. Pads are things that basically catch the blood so you don't bleed everywhere!

"I-" he said but went quite again.

Seconds later, a box of pads popped into existence on the desk.

"Stanley, you have scared me more today than I ever needed in a lifetime, thank you, but fuck you too. If you need me, I'll be drinking this memory away," Narry said as some shuffling was heard and he put his mic on mute.

(Poor Narrator :|)

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