3; Bargaining

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The eary silence had returned to the forest as Dipper opened the front door, only to find.. absolutely nothing once more, the sound of breaking glass had stopped a mere second before he'd opened the door.
"Oh come on, nobody moves that fast." He muttered to himself, looking around as he clutched his baseball bat tighter. Still there was nothing.
So Dipper went back to sleep.
3 months before Dippers arrival:

Bill Cipher had wandered around the forest of Gravity falls for three days before he found a broken building, and one he recognized, the Mystery Shack was in rubble.

He hadn't known how to even begin trying to dig it up. Nor did he have the strength to. He had the right mind to finally inspect himself in a broken shard of glass, he wore a simple yellow tail coat, black jeans and a black dress shirt, he'd already found the small round glass in his coat pocket. His hair was a bright blond colour, only his eyes resembled any piece of himself, big and cat-like, a bright yellow. The rest of him was.. completely human. He hadn't been able to conjure up magic either, not even the smallest flame. He hoped it would come with time. He'd never known life without his abilities.
For some reason his whole body clamped up at the thought of not having his magic.

He stayed in that forest for three months, hanging around the broken Mystery Shack, causing a bit of chaos around the forest as any demon should, but mostly he stayed in his own space, he never really got hungry, at least, he didn't think so, he did swipe some water bottles from a town event.

Three more days finally got him upstairs, though, he'd have to completely replace the stairs if he wanted it to be perfectly safe, but it would do for now. He moved his mattress up to the master bedroom, temporarily ignoring the foul smell. the bed was too broken to be used, he threw the pieces out the window, onto his ever growing pile of rubble.
Just as he plopped down onto his makeshift bed his phone started to ring, he sighed at the sight of his sisters name.
"Hey Mabel." He got out just before his sister started blaring into the speaker.

"Dipper where are you?! I've been trying to call you for a week straight! Are you ignoring my calls?!"

"Mabel, I already told you, I'm in Gravity Falls, I've been busy rebuilding the Shack. I've just been busy."

Dipper could practically hear his sister seething on the other side of the line.

"And I told you, you shouldn't've gone there! Why don't you ever listen to me??" She sniffed silently, as if she was crying.

"Mabel, I'm sorry but I needed a break, maybe you can come over when I'm done with the house, I don't really have anywhere to sleep for you right now." Dipper tried, really he tried not to loose his patience, but she always did this, always got her way with him because well.. She's his sister, what else could he do.
"Whatever. When are you coming back anyway?" Dipper's shoulders sunk at the dismissal.

"I don't know. Maybe never." He snapped back before hanging up.
He fell asleep in his clothes, with his phone still in hand.

"Hello Pinetree~" That horrible, haunting voice had plagued Dipper for years. But it wasn't Bill Cipher that floated in front of him, at least, not in the way Dipper knew them. This creature was more.. Human. As human as Bill fucking Cipher could be anyway, He was seated on his throne, made up of all of Dippers friends.
"What do you want from me?!" Dipper yelled up at him, standing up and trying hard not to tremble on his legs. He clenched his fists, he'd had dreams like this before. But something was.. Different now.
Bill's eyes sharpened, yes, plural, such a miracle.
"I need your help." The demon easily floated down to Dipper's lever, with the height difference between them he couldn't help but feel like a twelve year old again, looking up at Bill angrily.

"Forget it!" Bill hissed, covering his ears with black gloved and.. clawed hands. Dipper blinked at the pain shortly flashing in his eyes. He now also noticed, as Bill lowered his hands, that his ears were slightly pointed.
"Listen for a moment boy, I'm trapped in this miserable state. This is the first I've been able to conjure any magic at all." Dipper seethed at the demon, pushing him away.

"Why should I believe you? You tried to kill me! You tried to destroy the world!" Bill flinched, actually flinched back.
"I know! And I'm currently paying my price! I need your help. I would ask Sixer, but he's-"

"Leave my family out of this!"

"Shake on it then! If you don't trust me, I swear on my currently mortal life that I will not harm you, or anyone without proper reason. but only if you help me regain my immortal state. After that I will leave you alone forever." Dipper blinked, running the words through his head thrice before nodding.

"If I can find a way to help you, you will go back to your own dimension, back to wherever you came from and you won't return. Ever." Bill nods. He must be extremely desperate then, if he's willing to actually leave on his own accord.
"Fine." Bill smiled somewhat weakly, his hand catching blue flames.

"It's a deal." Dipper shoot it, his tattoo burning painfully, but he could feel the bargain settle in his skin.

With that he shot awake, breathing hard. Still the burning feeling remained.

"Heya Pinetree."

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