"Ohh I see." He grinned, grabbing the packet and taking a look inside. "YOU GOT MY FAVORITE POCKY???"

Y/n stood by the counter that separates the kitchen from the living room and watched kaito snatch the box of pocky out of the bag and look at it with stars in his eyes. "Yeah, I figured you'd crave it while we were smoking so I got it for you."

"You little adorable shithead, thank you so much." He said dramatically, fighting off the urge to open it right now and eat it all. "I didn't think you'd remember but I'm glad you did not gonna lie."

"That's dumb, obviously I remember." She said, ordering their McDonald's and putting in the payment.

She placed her phone on the counter and headed over to the couch again, sitting down and leaning her elbows on her knees. She looked at kaito as he put the pocky back in the packet then grabbed the remote again.

"I can't find something decent to watch- and we're NOT watching Wild Child or Business Proposal again." He said, giving her a sharp look and returning his eyes to the tv screen. "Pick something else, and more interesting."

"Well I told YOU to pick, put on Fast and Furious then." Rolling her eyes she sat back on the couch.

Kaito nodded and quickly put on the movie, leaning back against the couch comfortably and immediately becoming indulged by it.

Y/n wasnt as interested. She was thinking more about the food arriving and how long kaito will actually be staying here, because if he had to stay over then that means she has to forfeit her room for a night.

Not her favourite situation but she didn't like sleeping in her brothers room either, it felt disrespectful but also really shouldn't. He's not dead or anything.

She sighed as she thought about him. She missed him quite allot. She leaned her head back on the couch, downwardly staring at the screen but not actually paying attention.

She closed her eyes thinking she could catch a few minutes of sleep while kaito was distracted and not bothering her.

As her eyes closed she felt the exhaustion catch up to her. The feeling of finally being able to close your eyes after being so tired was so satisfying and relieving.

"Are you deadass going to sleep right now?" Kaito said, looking at her with a blank expression but that's also saying 'are you serious right now?'. "I literally just got here bro?"

She opened her eyes and glared at him, "yeah and I literally saw you at school an hour and a half ago. I also see you practically everyday, stop acting as if you aren't attached to my hip at this point." She rolled her eyes and closed them once again.

"Sassy woman."

Y/n groaned and grabbed a cushion, putting it over her face to try and drown the sound of his voice. It wasn't like she didn't want him there, she enjoyed his company, but goddamn was it hard to not enjoy it too much.

Having known him since 3rd grade gave her opportunity to get to know him very well. Not only that but he never left her side, which was something genuine and heart felt for the girl. She knows allot of girls crush on him, and she feels bad that she does too.

Dropping the pillow, she stared at the ceiling. The smell of his cologne and his scent wafted through the air. It was driving her mad to say the least. She wanted to be as far away from him as possible but also as close to him as possible.

It was frustrating and honestly, mind fucking.

"When's the food getting here?" He asked, becoming hungry as well. He glanced at the girl beside him and noticed how she was staring at the ceiling, completely in her own world.

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