A couple tears fell from my eyes as I got closer to the lake. I saw the person from earlier run up to me and recognized them. It was Cato. He grabbed rue from my arms and ran to the lake with me. He looked like he got out without any burns but was severely coughing like all of us. I looked back to see that the fire mostly died down. We left most of our stuff back there in the forest. I only had Riptide, Rue had a knife and Clove had her knives.

We made it to the lake and I saw Clove sitting at the edge gulping down water. I collapsed down at the edge of the lake and Clove ran to me and sat down at my side. I saw Cato put rue down and start drinking water from a bottle in his bag.

I took my mostly burnt jacket off along with my shirt and saw a huge hole in the back of both of them. That's when the adrenaline wore off and I felt a pain so badly in my back I thought it was going to explode. I looked over my shoulder and saw a huge red mark on my back with blood spilling everywhere. Tears spilled down my face and I saw rue and Cato come over with water. They both sat down behind me next to Clove. Clove took some of the water and poured it on my back. I would have just jumped into the lake like rue but I don't think I was strong enough to do that.

The water rolled down my back and I screamed in pain. I hurt so badly. Clove grabbed my hand and kissed me to help distract me. Spoiler, it didn't work.

I can't believe the first time I'm kissing her is now, while in excruciating pain, in the hunger games.

Cato pulled over his backpack and took out a first aid kit. It was small but it was also the only first aid kit we had. Rue took a bottle of something and opened it.

"Percy this is alcohol, it's going to hurt but we have to make sure it doesn't get infected." Rue told me quickly.

Gale's pov

All the Coal miners just got back and we were all watching one big TV in the town square along with some people that were walking around the town. We watched the fire started and we watched Percy save the little girl and now we watched as the were treating the giant burn on his back. It wasn't even a burn anymore it was just a huge cut in his back. My family was with me because I found them here, katniss and her mom were also here.

Most of the town had tears in their eyes watching Prim's  just yesterday and now the amount of pain Percy was in.

He screamed as they poured the alcohol on his back and I saw my little sister Posy crying really hard. She loved Percy so much.

Percy's pov

Pain, that's all I felt. Just pain Rue put the alcohol on my back and I burned so badly. Clove then started wrapping a white bandage around my whole upper half. I tried to lay down when they were down but it hurt so badly. I saw Clove treat Rues burn on her leg and then I fell asleep completely exhausted.

Cloves pov

I was talking with Cato and rue while Percy slept. We all talked for a long time and told Cato how Prim had died. He promised that he had nothing to do with it and we decided that since he saved Rue, we would believe him.

Percy woke up after a couple hours and promised he was good enough to walk for now. Nobody believed him but we let him stay up for now.

"We need to get back into the forest for shelter. It's too open here. I don't like it. I feel vulnerable out here." Percy told us. We all agreed and made our way into the forest.

I walked hand in hand with Percy. I felt so bad because every step he took looked like it hurt really badly. Then I heard a muffled scream from beside us and we all turned around to see a boy I didn't know with his hand over Rues mouth.

Just kidding I won't stop there

Rue fell to the ground clutching her heart and i threw my knife at the boys throat. The boy fell right after her. A single cannon shot rang out in the silence. My knife stuck out off the now dead boy's throat. Rue clutched her heart and we all saw the cut the boy made in her chest.

"I'm so happy I got to be with you guys for my last moment, thank you for all the help you've given me during my time here. I really wish guys could've fallen in love outside of the games." Rue said to me, Cato and Percy addressing Percy and I in the past bit.

Rue then closed her eyes and took her last breath. I went over and kissed her forehead and gave her one last hug. Percy did the same.

Percy then took the three middle fingers on his left hand and touched them to his lips then up in the sky above rue.

"We should probably find a place to spend the night," Percy said at last. I nodded and we walked around until we found a nice clearing to settle in.

I changed the bandages in Percy's back and his burn was not looking good, he needed medicine and he needed It quickly otherwise I don't know how much longer he could survive. We were about to go to bed with Cato taking the first watch when an announcement came over the speakers in the arena.

"Two tributes can come out of the games as long as they are a boy and a girl. And tomorrow at mid day there will be a feast at the Cornucopia, each of you needs something. It will be there"

I was so happy this means me and Percy could both come out alive. And Percy could get his medicine.

I hope you liked this chapter! Poor Cato just their third wheeling, knowing he won't make it out of the games.

Word count 1762

Xoxo. ChocolateLover

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