"That's not good," Inej said.

Jesper gave her a confused look, "Wha-" He was about to ask what she meant by that, weren't they trying to get away, not get caught?

But before he could, Inej opened the door back up and yelled, "They went this way!"

"What are you doing?!" Jesper yelled trying to pull the girl back from the door.

"We're the distraction, are we not?" Inej said pulling up her mask over her face. She actually seemed like she was enjoying this.

Jesper went to take the set of stairs that went down, but Inej seemed to have other plans, so she went up. "What the hell are you doing?" Jesper whisper-yelled after her.

She didn't answer and Jesper didn't question any further when a set of guards burst through the doors behind him. With a groan, he ran and followed the girl up the stairs who was skipping one with each step. Jesper was trying his best to keep up with her but his thighs and calf were burning. He made a mental note to hit the gym instead of spending all his time gambling, though he knew that wasn't going to happen.

Floor after floor the stairs never seemed to end. Jesper was only thankful the armour the guards wore slowed them down or else they would have caught him already with his slowing pace.

Finally, they reached the top of the endless sets of stairs where they met a door. Jesper placed his hands on his knees as he leaned over desperately trying to catch his breath. Inej tried the door, but it was locked. She waste no time and kicked the door which swung open with a strong force.

"Let's go, Jesper!" She yelled back running out onto the roof.

Jesper waved her off, still heaving, "Just go on without me."

Inej let out a frustrated groan and ran back towards him. She grabbed the bag off his back and said, "Fine, but I'm not rescuing you when you get caught by those guys," She pointed at the group of guards who were making their way up the stairs behind them. Inej ran back out onto the roof towards the ledge.

Jesper stooped with his protest and followed her, she pulled a rope from the back that also carried the bombs, a rope that Jesper was positive wasn't going to reach the bottom of the tall tower. "Ok, what's the plan?" Jesper asked.

"Take this," Inej said and shoved the bag back to Jesper, "And throw them at the guards when they get close."

"Then what?" Jesper asked as the guards made their way onto the roof. He picked out one of the bombs and grounded himself.

"Then we jump," Inej said as she throws the rope she just tied to the ledge over it.

Jesper didn't bother to complain about the plan and instead threw the first flash bomb, feeling it was the right time. The guards were yelling at them and at each other to "Get them!" "Stop them!" "Stop right there!" Then the bomb stopped their yelling which turned into screams. Jesper threw another one, and another, followed by another, till the bag was empty. The men were now yelling "I can't see!" As the brightness blinded them.

Jesper kept his eyes tightly closed to protect them from the brightness of the flash bomb but when he opened them he could see the guards running around blindly. He laughed at how stupid they looked, like blind mice, but also because the bombs had actually worked for their plan. He turned proudly around only for his smile to drop when Inej wasn't there. He hurried o lean over the edge to find her sliding down the rope. 

Jesper followed after her, grabbing a hold of the rope and climbing down, trying not to think of how far the drop was. Inej slid down quickly and soon was at the end of the rope. Jesper was right, the rope wasn't long enough, and there was still a two to three-story drop below her. Jesper caught up to her and realized why she had stopped.

"That fall is going to break our legs!" Jesper yelled in a panic down at the girl below him.

Inej looked for a way out because he was right, and going back up wasn't an option. She scanned her surrounding and noticed the boat in the water, she recognized the paddle boat, the boat loaded with three other bodies. They were waiting for them. Kaz met her gaze and it was like he read her mind and pushed off the shore, instructing Nina to paddle out a bit and in their direction.

"We have to swing!" Inej yelled up at Jesper.


"Help me push off the wall and well jump into the water!" Inej yelled back. She started by pushing off the wall while still holding onto the rope to get some momentum. Jesper followed her actions and soon they had enough momentum and were swinging over the water. "Now!" Inej yelled and they let go of the rope and braced themselves for the impact of the water.

In the boat, Nina was the one rowing over to the splash while Kaz stood up in the front and Matthias sat in the back with a rope tied around his wrists. They didn't want to take any risks, plus Kaz said they needed Matthias for their next mission that they'd walk away rich from, so the rope was a necessity. There was also a rope around his ankles so if he thought about jumping overboard he wouldn't be able to swim.

Inej and Jesper's heads popped out of the water in the next few moments. Jesper was the first to complain about the freezing temperatures of the water. Kaz helped Inej into the boat while Nina helped Jesper.

"I can't believe that worked," Jesper said in disbelief through his clattering teeth.

Off they rowed.

Chapter Ten - August 21, 2023

Word Count - 1651 Words

Long time no update. Gotta thank @anime_weebsters for all the motivation to write this chapter. I'll try my best to actually finish this story... I've never actually finished one.

- Flyon.

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