Chapter Two

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Even the sound of the heavy rain on the roof couldn't drown out the noise of rich drunk men's coins on the table. Cards were shuffled and dealt while more coins were pushed into the pile. The sound was irresistible as he sat soundly in the next empty seat and pushed his own share of coins into the mix while shouting "Deal me in!" He was sure he was winning big tonight. 

It was a busy night in Crows Club, turns out that not even the rain could stop a rich man's addiction. More men pondered through the door soaked like city rats but with pockets full of gold. You'd think that even with all that money they'd invest in an umbrella, but nope, that money was strictly for gambling. Even Katterdam's own Kaz Brekker used an umbrella as he left through the same doors the rich men entered. Tonight meant fun for the rich men but for Kaz, it meant business, like any other night.

Tonight his bad leg was having a bad day as he felt he had to rely more on his cane to walk. It slowed his pace but he had time to spare. He'd gotten word of someone new to the barrel and here people didn't just come out of their own will and according to the information he'd gathered, this person was out of place.

The rain was heavy on his umbrella and the wind wanted to take it but the gloves helped him keep a better grip. Kaz would never admit he hated the feeling of wet socks as the puddles soaked his shoes so he held a solid face at the uncomfortable feeling.

It wasn't hard to find the one that didn't belong, those ruby-red curls could be seen for miles, even in the dark. Not to mention his breathing was so heavy that before he even turned his next corner Kaz knew he was there. He looked to be in hurry to be somewhere, or at least get out of the rain. He seemed to hug his shivering body to try and keep warm. The coat that attempted to keep him warm was not one that Kaz had seen before. It was tailored to perfection and didn't belong to any of Barrel's gangs. Who was this boy? He wasn't a man, he was a boy who looked to be twelve. 

"Hello Inej," Kaz said as he felt her presence behind him.

"He's coming from the Tannery." The girl said as she appeared by his side. Kaz had sent her earlier that day to follow the newling and dig up any information she could. She had to admit there wasn't much information to gather, "His name is Wylan Hendriks and he's staying at the Inn two blocks from here."

Kaz nodded, it was good information, but it wasn't enough. "Follow him." He needed to make sure the boy wasn't a threat, even though the boy looked as if he could be snapped in half like a twig. Maybe he had some tricks up his sleeve and to Kaz that was enough to take precautions.

Inej was gone as fast as she had arrived leaving Kaz to carry on his walk alone in the rain. 

He came to pass the boy who moved to go around him and as he did Kaz turned to watch the boy walk away. The boy seemed to pick up his pace once again as if he'd slowed down when passing. Just then the boy turns around and his bright blue eyes which shine with innocence met Kaz's cold and dark stare. Was Kaz's gaze that intimidating to send a boy running out of fear? Apparently so.

Once the boy was out of sight he relied on Inej to keep up with him from the rooftops. An easy task for her because at times she had to slow down and wait for the boy to keep up with her.

She watched as he entered the Inn and made her way to circle it trying to find out which room was his. That wasn't difficult when she spotted him through one of the windows. She found a comfortable position on one of the roofs of a near building and started to run her mind on a plan to break into the room. The window was the best option seeing it was only one of two ways in. Now she just had to sneak in through the locked window, which again wasn't going to be difficult seeing she'd broken in through many windows before.

The difficult part seemed to be the boy who toss and turned in the bed refusing to rest. If he wouldn't fall asleep Inej couldn't do her job, she didn't want to be here all night.

She watched as the boy stood up and walked to the window where Inej ducked from his sight. She watches from her new spot in the shadows as she no longer has to deal with a locked window when the boy opened it for her. She'll take that as a free invitation.

Soon she was sure the boy was asleep when he stopped moving, she waited a few extra minutes just to be sure. She made her way to the roof of the Inn and climbed down the side of the building to the open window and slid through, it was a bit of a tight squeeze where she had to push the window open a little more to fit.

Once she was inside the water dripped off her clothes to the floor which she would be sure to clean up before she left. She took a glance at the boy to make sure he was still sound asleep, she took the line of drool on his cheek as a yes. She moved in a way that even the creaky floorboards had no idea she was there.

The first thing that caught her eye was the white envelopes on the desk. She made her way to them to find out none of them had been opened. Each one was addressed to Wylan. Using her envelope-opening skills she opened one without tearing it so it could be resealed later without anyone knowing she ever read them.

The first thing that caught her eye when she unfolded the neatly folded paper was the last name after Wylan, it wasn't Hendriks which she had learned the boy's last name be. Instead, written was Van Eck. 

Wylan Van Eck,

My son if you are reading this my only wish is to have you home.

Jan Van Eck

Was what was neatly written in the letter in the very handwriting of the merchant Jan Van Eck.

Van Ecks son? The information she couldn't wait to return to Kaz.

She opened another and what was written was similar to the first, about reading the letters and wanting him home. So Wylan Van Eck ran away from home? But why? All the letters stated that he wanted his son to return home. Why would the son of a merchant run away from a life of wealth for the Barrels? A mystery waiting to be revealed by Inej but before she could continue her mystery-solving, there was a knock at the door.

Inej quickly turned to escape through the window when she realize she didn't have the time as the boy shifted in the bed. 

She held her breath as she pushed her back against the closet wall.

Chapter 2 - April 21, 2023

Word Count - 1241

"Hello, Inej." 

- Flyon

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