Chapter 9: Dot the i's and cross the t's

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Note: Just little explanation before we are going to action part. I made up some stuff and it somehow doesn't make any sense in my head, but we love artistic liberty, don't we?


I've been awake since 5 in the morning. I'm still amazed about the fact that I can wake up without the help of annoying sound from my alarm clock. It's either because my body already make the pattern for me waking up every weekdays or because Jake is sleeping in my place and I didn't want to bother him with my annoying alarm.

Weirdly enough, I did already clean up my flat, wash and dry my clothes and Jake's, take a shower, and brew some coffee which is I only managed to finish all of those tasks inside my head. What an improvement. I kind of wonder what motivates me to be so this diligent in the morning which is once in a blue moon kind of event that rarely happens in my life before.

"Mmh," Jake moves a little.

Yeah, this is what motivates me.

It is already half past 8 and I've been sitting and staring at Jake who is lying in front of me for like an hour, he is sleeping on his stomach with both of his arms are wrapping and embracing beneath my favourite pillow. His massive figure is invaded whole side of my bed but I don't complain, while his face is so peaceful and it lures me to take dozen pictures of him sleeping like that. But I didn't do it. Instead, I'm watching every feature on his face, caressing his hair, stroking his spine, keeping all of these moments in the folder that named 'Precious Treasure' inside my brain.

"MC," he calls me. Half-asleep. With both of his eyes still close.

"Jake," I call his name too. Smile shyly. Blush a little. Hearing his deep and husky voice calling my name first thing in the morning when he's half-awake make my heart skips a beat.

He rolls onto his back and slowly gets up. While sitting down, he rubs his eyes with the back of his fist and stretch up his arms. I hold my breath. "Good morning," his sleepy smile greets me.

God, he is so adorable but also hot. How can someone be so contradictorily attractive like this?

"Good morning." I smile widely, still enjoying the view in front of me.

"What time is it?" he asks, blinking several times before looking at me.

"Almost 8," I choose to sit beside him and ruffle his fluffy morning hair. "You slept like a baby so I didn't want to wake you up," I explain which is true because Jake slept so deeply and peacefully as if he is a born baby that just come out from womb and rest on his mother's arms. You clearly don't want to bother that baby, do you?

"I see," he nods in approval. "I have never slept that well in years," he explains softly.

"How does it feel?"

"Feels like home."

I blush. Try so hard to ease my ego that boost up because of his words, try so damn hard to calm my heart that almost exploded because of the soft smile that forms on his face or even his alluring gaze that makes me hold my breath again. "It's not fair," I quickly change the subject, try to not stutter. "You slept whole morning even though I did almost all of the work last night."

He chuckles. "You little... come here." Then he reaches my wrist and pulls me closer, brings me to his bare chest and embraces me tight.

I rest my head on the crook of his neck with my arms around his back, tracing onto his skin. The scent of him that is filling me makes me serene as I close my eyes and feel the warmth of him that invades me. He is truly my home.

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