1. i cant have it any other way

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Louis's pov

i wake up at ass crack o' clock today is camp day i have to drive for hours on end with a fussy 5 year old and go live in the woods for like i'm not sure how long

i walk to my son freddie's room he's sleeping like a little baby angel. i love him so so much

i nudge him gently and speak with a soft low voice "freddie darling you've got to wake up it's camp day." he whines slightly and opens his eyes and looks at me. i remember the first time i ever saw those beautiful little eyes of his.

"good morning daddy. i love you" he says that every morning his logic is we say it every night so why not every morning. he's the cutest i know

"go pick out your outfit for today and remember your favorite clothes are all packed in the bag so don't be alarmed when you don't find them." he nods and springs out of bed running to his closet and picking out some shorts and a black jumper.

"do you want me to match you today sir fredrick?" he nods and i smile nodding picking him up and taking him to the bathroom brushing our teeth together washing our face before i do his hair just how he likes his hair is the same texture as mine just blonde and he likes to wear it like me and it's also great bonding time getting ready together in the morning.

"i'm gonna go change my darling go watch cartoons hm?" he nods and runs downstairs as i take a very quick shower before freddie i used to have long showers but now that he has blessed me with his presence i can barely go a minute without "dad! are you done yet? i'm hungry!" that. but i wouldn't have it any other way.

"i'll be out in a second my darling!" i turn off the water i've got the basics down you know i'm clean i wipe myself off and walk out drying my hair as i pull on some boxers and a black adidas jumper just a larger one of freddie's and some shorts before i walk downstairs

"what do you want rockstar?" i ask and he thinks "bagels!" i frown do we have bagels? i look through the pantry and sure enough we do! that's good.

i take them putting them in my toaster and i hear little jumping and grunting noises i look to see freddie trying to climb the counter

"need help babe?" i ask and he nods "yea please" i smile softly and pick him up lifting him to the counter and he sits on it dangling his feet

"i'm so excited to see all my friends again!" he says and i smile as i spread the cottage cheese on the very hot bagel

"yeah? you excited to have daddy with you?" he frowns "i thought mummy was coming."

no need to be so disappointed ouch. "yeah babe it's one year for me and one year for mummy." more like me and your mother have lived in the city our whole lives and bugs are our worst nightmares so we take shifts.

"oh well that's cool!" i hand him the plate and kiss his forehead "careful it's hot." i pour him his favorite chocolate milk and walk upstairs grabbing all our bags and shoving them into the trunk of the car

i walk in and wash the dishes freddie left as he puts on his shoes they're the baby converse with the velcro because spoiler alert i never learned how to tie my shoes hopefully this camp can teach him how because god knows i tried

i pick him up and place him in his car seat "this is gonna be a very long ride are you very sure you're comfortable?" i ask and he nods "okay if at any moment you're uncomfortable or anything happens tell me okay?" he nods again and i place some toys in his lap for when he gets bored im fairly sure he's gonna sleep tho

i get in the drivers seat and drive obviously i make every stop i possibly can because my baby has a small bladder after bathroom break 28 we have finally made it.

i take our luggage out of my trunk and hand it to the nice counselor freddie let's go of my hand and runs off "freddie no!" he goes into what looks like the most attractive man i've ever laid my eyes one's arms

"mr styles!" freddie exclaims "hello little one! how was school!" his voice is so sexy. woah. i haven't had a single sexual thought in like 5 years holy shit go me!

i walk up to them and 'mr styles' looks at me "you must be freddie's dad? so glad briana is not joining us this summer." i tilt my head to the side in confusion "glad?"

"i mean sad obviously oh i'm devastated." he fakes a pout and i chuckle i like this guy

"i get it don't even try faking it." he smiles he has dimples. god could he get any cuter? "well let's get you all settled in you will be volunteering correct?" he asks and i nod. "great you'll be in the counselors cabin while freddie will be with the children and don't worry. there will be an adult present just not you."

i nod "alright" i take a deep breath and he gives me and fred a quick tour around the place i could listen to him talk for hours the way his lips move are sinful i wonder what they'd look like wrapped around my- louis william.

"yeah so that's about it. today however we're just gonna eat lunch and dinner since we're still gathering people and seeing which counselors are in charge of which group."

"are you in charge of me- i mean our group?" he smirks "not sure yet we decide when everyone's here. well not really we the manager does but you know what i mean" i nod

"dadddd can i go play with my friends?" i nod "course buddy be safe." he runs off and i smile at the cute counselor looks like i'll be entertained for the time being wink wink

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